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Thursday, May 31, 2007

History of development of computer

History of development of computer may be happy to two epochs is :

a) Before the year 1940
b) After the year 1940
Before the year 1940

Man applies finger to recognize and spells out members number one to ten. As free that is they is beginning recognizes numbers larger ones but still using ground digits from finite 0 9. This realize the system tens. Radius applied to mingle and reject numbers. Reject mix numbers assists them to think in barter trading. If trading increasingly grow, radius cannot accommodate need think is increasing complicated.

Trading experts from country China, Turkic and Greek applies abacus (sempua) to do think of mix ground, reject and multiplication begins having mother free year. Abacus contains stones attached at some bars. All think is done by changing position of the stones.

In the year 1617, John Napier arises safer logarithm and equipment is called [by] bone Napier ( Napier's bonnet). Beside think of mix ground, reject, multiplication and happy, this equipment also may look for hill power number. Bone Napier do than bone, wood, metal and cad. Think is done with traversing number-number at square by hand.

Blaise Pascal creates machine to think first mechanical in the year 1642. This machine operates by moving gear at wheel. Pascal have also many contributing idea in the field of mathematic and science perhaps. Machine thinks Pascal has been moved forward by William Leibnitz.

In the year 1816, Charles Babbage constructs ' the difference engine'. This machine may finalize problem think of mathematic sifir like logarithm in mechanical correctly so that twenty digits. Follows draft reserved by it, this machine applies cad perforates as input, saves may job activities in memory, does think automatically and so on releases output in the form of printing; mould at paper.

This machine concept science experts during the period because assumed to be too onward. Project this construction although however unfinished of because no support technical assumed too onward during the. Babbage then its(the attention heap to ' the analytical engine'. Technological insuffiency during the also causes this project delayed. Although failed prepares both machine, idea Babbage discovered to be very useful to forming of computer modern today. All computers today applies machine model like the one reserved by Babbage, is input, memory, process and output.

Cad perforates first time is applied as a means of input in textile industry at automatic moving machine of creation Joseph Jecquard in the year 1801. This machine reads data with analyze hole cods at paper. Hole concept and no this hole indicates usage start of number binary in process of data.

Herman Hollerith popular usage of cad perforates as a means of data input. Its(the machine using cad to perforate is glorious process American resident effeminate homosexual data company To in the year 1887. Usage of cad perforates then his(its broadened to area of like insurant, analysis sell and system train self.

Howard Aiken introduces usage of machine electro mechanical is called [by] Mark I in the year 1937. One machine parts was electronic and partial again mechanical. Its form heavy and big and contains talian wayer which long. All operations in computer implemented by electromagnetic gigantic. Mark I may finalize problem function of trigs beside think ground. Even though said s(he still be assumed damp and bound by because number of store memory that is a few.

As free the year 1940

Computers as free the year 1940 is electronic fully. Beside think which is not accurate machines mechanical before this is too big, applies boarding with high to control it and requires too much manpower for observation.

evolution of Computer as free the year 1940 may be classified to five generations. Numeral in coop indicates tarikh budget.

First Generation ( 1940 - 1959)
Second Generation ( 1959 - 1964)
Third Generation ( 1964 - beginning of 80-an)
Fourth Generation ( beginning of 80-an - ?)
Fifth Generation ( future)
First Generation

Generation computers firstly applies vacuum to process and save communiqué. fairish vacuum like small lamp menthol. He becomes quickly hot and flammable. Thousands of vacuum required by one a period of so that every combustible operation doesn't overall of computer. Computer also applies electric energy which many so that sometime causes trouble at area around his.

This computer is 100% electronic, functions to assist scientist finalizes problem think of sensibly trajectory and precise. The Size is very big and may be classified as main frame (plays frame) . Example of first generation computer like ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) created by Dr John Mauchly and Presper Eckert in the year 1946.

Development that is very is esteemed is start of computer save memory in it, recognized as on file aturcara concept ( stored program concept). Concept reserved by John von this Neumann also focus at usage of number binary for all process duty and storage.

Dr. Mauchly and Eckert also assists construction of computer EDVAC ( Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) what tapers down usage of vacuum. Think also becomes more than ENIAC. EDVAC applies system number binary and on file concept.

Computer EDSAC ( Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) introduces mercury usage ( mercury) in save memory to. This way discovered more economically than vacuum but at general of s(he still be assumed overvalued. EDSAC moved forward by University Cambridge, England.

In the year 1951 Dr. Mauchly and Eckert creates UNIVAC I ( Universal of Automatic Calculator) first computer applied to process trading data. Partakes applies mercury ( mercury) for storage. UNIVAC I applied by Biro Banci civilian in America. As free feather in one's cap of ENIVAC I many interconnected computers of management and trading emerges as free his(its.

Second generation

Using second generation computers transistor and diode to replace - vacuum, makes size smaller computer and cheap. Resilience energy? power of transistor discovered to be better of because s(he is not flammable if it is compared to vacuum. New way of save memory also is introduced is magnetic terrace; core. Magnetic terrace; core applies smooth irons twisted by electrical Lateran. Process effort and size main memory of computer also increases. This becomes computer is more proper implement the duty.

Apparition of FORTRAN and COBOL indicates start of high rank language to replace in harder machine language. With said operation of computer becomes easier.

This era also indicates start of the biggest second is minicomputer in computer set of relatives. The price cheaper compared to than main frames. Computer DEC PDP8 is minicomputer firstly created in the year 1964 for processing trading data. Computer others in this generation is IBM 7090 and IBM 7094.

Third generation

Glorious fast microelectronic investigation refines transistor to microscopic size. Some hundred thousand transistors is can be compacted into chipping square silicon through process called by big scale amir (large scale integration, LSI), to yield later or more recognized as call for chip.

Chip beginning replaces transistor as component of logic of computer. Size chip which is small makes it popular is using in the much equipment of electronic and the price far cheaper compared to with other electronic component.

Smallest type in computer set of relatives, microcomputer emerges in this generation. Microcomputer becomes quicker of popular like jenama Apple II, IBM PC, NEC PC and Sinclair. Microcomputer is discovered very practical to all public ranks because its(the size is smaller, cheap price and its(the ability is functioning alone. a microcomputer copes overcomes computer ENIAC in implementing something duty.

Many languages emerges like BASIC, Pascal and PL/1. Most microcomputer is catered with linguistic in chip ROM to enable BASIC language is applied. This makes language BASIC which very popular at microcomputer.

Fourth generation

Chip still be applied process to and save memory. He is more onward, contains so that hundred thousand transistor components in it. Process of chip this high tech called very big scale amir ( very large scale integration, VLSI). Process can be done with interest proper, so that having million momentary beet. Main memory of computer becomes is bigger causing causes storage scunder is less important. Technology chip is going forward this draws near creavasse among microcomputer with minicomputer as well as microcomputer with main frame. This also realizes another computer class is called [by] supercomputer, which more proper and compares main frame.

Fifth generation

Fifth generation in evolution of possible computer had not presentation of again and he was future dream computer. fifth generation computer is more complex. He is expected to has more units process which is functioning at a time to finalize more than one duties in one a period.

This generation computer also has very big memory so that enables it is finalizing more complex problems. Central process unit also possible may function to face like man brain. This dream computer expected has separate cleverness, impressing situation around through see and wise takes something free decision than man convoys. This extraordinary conceived of " artificial intelligence".

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