Student is state asset which its the energy and patterned thinking is always required for continuity of development. In education system applied this time is aimed at forming of student with quality, but emulation increasingly tight in globalization era. Hard work to improve; repair education in this country must comprehensively.
Now college as candidate printer process means professional has weight challenge for always developing Tri dharma place height of especially learning process teaches that the collegiate are more can answer challenge - epoch challenge that is increasingly sophisticated. After going through education in high school graduate college bench tried applies science that containing of by working in area of matching with its the science, often the graduates feels difficulty in obtaining work swiftly. Hardly regrettably if when the collegiate doesn't have application opportunity to all sciences which has been bailed it because disability they are in competing reaches for opportunity in job activity world.
According to detection study of college graduate executed by USAID, average of master in Sumatra requires time 2,5 years to get work. Root cause they require old time to get work, is not solely is because of by lack of job(activity opportunity, but mostly they don't have skill to look for job(activity, looks for information of opportunity of job(activity and fails in process recruitment, this thing happened because they is not drawn up to experience the process.
The Government has announced that there will be no recruitment manifestly, except changing retired and addition of teacher, thus "zero growth". Open reality job activity opportunity in world private sector. In century 21, development of corporate world would hardly depend on to advance technology, approach and service to customer and Client. Opportunity map of job activity shifts to more and more opening of opportunity for which seen in trouble-shooting and decision making. This is farm for master. Estimated 15-20% from employee every organization of business will be filled by master.
Economics crisis now causes direct at narrowing it job activity opportunity, more than anything else victim PHK still many. The graduates more and more difficult to win more offhand emulation, either from the angle of academic achievement, interest and skill faces selection process recruitment.
As far as which we meet, there is three things that is in general has not many provided by the new graduates (fresh graduate) that is :
1. Career vision (career vision): that is clarity of aspiration of professionalism in having career.
2. Career planning (career planning): that is strategy and step that need to be done to reach career vision.
3. Career ladder (career path): that is clarity of career line choice matching with enthusiasm and interest owned.
Third domination of assuring above thing that the new graduates (fresh graduate) has skill required in looking for job(activity. Skill - skill of management of career is upper should have been drawn up early possible or at least 6 (six) month of before they pass.
Ideally can be proposed for IPB especially gives an teaching eye about “management of Career during university "for semester student three or four. At the next semester ( 5,6, and 7) student is asked to involves in activity at the same time studies factors success of from career ladder which they would select; choose after passing. At semester 8 they are asked to makes masterpiece to write related to the career area or makes feasibility study for business which will be blazed the way it. For example for them having entrepreneur choosing, assigned makes "feasibility study" feed other cicada or business. In This Way IPB has assisted its the collegiate design "its the dream" x'self.
This thing hardly leaving for back with the existing condition where collegiate IPB generally has just learnt makes paper looking for a job activity or makes feasibility study three months after passing.
Result of observation indicates that weakness of graduate competitiveness PT generally because un-readiness of they to sell their x'self ability. More ironically again, quite a few between them which is not had a line on potency owned. They a lot nitrogen still sleep in a world of completely is pampered, not ready for hunting career. Appreciation of abundant public to title is girded, makes them still be world dream. So(after they awake all have been coming late, unemployment status has have come too far unintentionally glues and energy? power " sells" has declines drastic. Preparation of educated energy to can stand as according to education stock obtained need to be done early possible as activity curricular.
Curriculum denseness and the low of attention of PT in marketing of its(the graduate is also can be told as the cause of has not made ready it of the graduates to pursue career as according to ability. Stock purchasing for skill sells x'self ability need to be given as according to ability as strength to hunt career. Giving of student toll that more of they which mengenyam higher education can of course needs, however preparing them educated that potency they later will produce fruit result presumably more required in order not to be created educated labor of unemployment which frustration. Supply of expense of sharpen skill of graduate in marketing x'self ability either as officer and also entrepreneurs is thing that is time has come is thought of. It is producer responsibility (PT) to market product and needs consumer support from ( public) improve; repair quality of product yielded so that it is good to buys. This thing really need to be paid attention when doesn't wish to created educated unemployment which more amount.
Study to detection of college graduate express that more than 80% college graduate fails selection recruitment it is caused that they don't comprehend writes letter of application and compiles biography ( curriculum vitae) effective, and doesn't have adequate strategy and preparation in facing interview. This situation is more bad again considerably the limited knowledge of applicant about company or work that is on the market, so that they are uppermost inability or markets its the ability which can support improvement of the work productivity. To answer it all we must start from construction of Human resource.
Special is area [by] construction of SDM need to be braided a relationship which more intensive between education worlds as educated labor feeder and corporate world as consumer. To trigger intertwining it this cooperation bridge, needs formed [by] a potting as communication media. a new concept with establishment of Labor Center likely can become bridge from a world of likely separate forever.
Be responsibility from Labor Center becomes potting to muster, manages and overspreads information about opportunity and opportunity of job activity for graduate IPB, besides also real crux of responsibility Labor Center is draw up the graduates IPB to enter job(activity world, actually to draw up the graduates is not only just Labor Center holding responsible but is responsibility with from high School place.
Since forming of Labor Center LPM IPB 3 ( three) last year a lot had been rendered for the graduates IPB besides constructing, have also made every effort to channel the graduates IPB as according to its(the science area.
In construction of the graduates and tries answers disability of the graduates in competing reaches for opportunity in job(activity world because of less existence of preparation of the graduates, Center Service Labor LPM IPB has performed [a] some skilled seminars and training of management of career where still very few student mastering skill of management of this career. This thing is more caused [by] among student has not been formed culture " thought of activity paschal study when they are in a period of study". This Seminar and training increase awareness aim to of the academy students and college about the importance of management of x'self during University lesson
In the year 1999 Center Service Labor LPM IPB has worked along with interest 50 companies to recruit the collegiate’s IPB, this is one of stocktaking activity, documentation and publication done to graduate IPB job(activity searcher, the business practitioner and job(activity opportunity in company.
Center Service Labor LPM IPB also has owned database assisting job activity searcher or company required collegiate IPB, finite now is noted 990 from 7 Faculty becoming member of PJK LPM IPB.
Caring PJK LPM IPB to ever greater graduate or collegiate not only assists collegiate to give information of work also care PJK LPM IPB about the importance of career vision of the collegiate’s or management of career in preparation grabs job(activity opportunity by performing [a] seminar and training relating to the thing that is :
"In the year 1999 has been done twice seminar " Successful gimmick grabs job(activity opportunity" on 28 Julies 1999 and 25 Septembers 1999
"In the year 1999 has been performed [a] also training of Marketing self technical on 17,24,31 Julies and 7 August 1999.
"Beginning of the year 2000 performed [a] [by] training of Interview and Psychoses on 29 Januaries 2000.
"Mid of February 2000 had been performed [a] again practice to looking for a job on 21,22,28,29 February 2000.
Other activity of which is permanent always runs is registration to be member of PJK LPM IPB, informs job(activity opportunity, hunting company and cooperation of process recruitment by company and in the year 1999 using service PJK LPM IPB to process recruitment there are 6 company.
Center Service Labor LPM IPB in its(the mission as place of powered of graduate IPB as reliable SDM in developing career, has many constraints and challenge between it :
"Center Service Labor still be not able to in an optimal fashion gives service, improvement of secretariat performance and organizer performance effectiveness still needing always is strived.
"Still many collegiate IPB which has not made ready (SDM) his(its to plunge business leisure.
"Still the limited company ( private sector) and activities of intern IPB which also permeable the collegiate IPB to work.
"Still needing new gimmicks to perform [a] approach to company - peripatetic company in other agricultural sector and also sector.
" Still the many collegiate which refuse to report after working so that development database of collegiate is less optimal, besides administration expenses for collegiate which have been received that there are still be not able yet to be implemented so that independence of PJK difficult to be realized.
" construction of Entrepreneurship is felt that there are still heavy is achieved, but has been blazed the way to assist with capital loan although the numbers still very limited.
" Level of base operational fund required, whereas routine fund very-very limited. Need to be searched opportunity to dig fund.
Assorted burdened and challenge but PJK LPM IPB must still stand up to assist the graduates, but PJK may not surrender and therefore PJK hoping existence of cooperation from all the side of area IPB causing can support activity of PJK also is expected always request of active participation, suggestion, vacancy etc for development and continuation PJK LPM IPB.
For activity of PJK LPM IPB in the near time is planned :
1. Will perform [a] Bursa work replacement, which will be start around month of June 2000.
2. Training - training for stock purchasing of collegiate faces job(activity opportunity is performed [a] month of march 2000.
3. Monitoring quality of graduate to companies so that we can know how far quality of graduate IPB which is absorbent worked.
4. Socialization of Center Service Labor LPM IPB to faculties in IPB area.
5. Study compares to other Universitas that performance PJK earns better.
6. Active in web site IPB.
And the existing of staff involving in PJK LPM IPB that is:
- Dr.Ir.C.Hanny Wijaya, MscAgr. - Dra. Waysima, MSc
- I. Mimin Aminah, MM - Dra. Eti Rohaeti, MS
- I. Sudarsono Jayadi, MSC AGR - Bambang Riyanto, Spi
- I. Jarwardi B Hernowo, MSC F - Taryono, Spi
- I. Sobri Effendi - Wisdom Satria, Psi
- DrIr Lilik Pujiantoro, EN, MSC AGR - Iin Solihin, Psi
- Drs. D Iwan Riswandi, Msi
- I.. Katrine Rosita
College as printer of the professionalisms has weight challenge to draw up the collegiate are more can answer challenge to face job activity world.
" Science searching up to your body end" said message is given, hence no his(its wrong if(when education that is at the highest is given, of SDM has owned adequate base criterion and they are supplied ability to dig ability to dig x'self ability to walk career as according to its(the expertise.
Be responsibility Labor Center LPM IPB as one of center below(under institution of college to construct the its(the graduates in drawing up to challenge job(activity world and that is a hard work which must get support from various party(sides especially college as producer.
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