There is 4 life category which we experience:
Had money and had time
Had money but haves no time
Had no money but had time
Had no money and haves no time
I felt you to agree if I to tell that any people to wish first. ( Your own is including which?). More if mint of money and much time. Unhappily not all people, even very few, which able to enjoy this affluence. More than anything else in condition of economics of messy state like this. According To Compass, 80 million Indonesia residents below poorness line, and more than 25 million having status unemployment. Mean, including category 3.
Do not mean them to have no any ability. No! Some of they join in education have ever (height). But of course that is not guarantee. You can read citation concerning that here.
For You which is enough ' Lucky ' can enter category 2, you must think again. Is main priority you? Money? Time? Whatever, You have not stepped into category 1! Mean, You still must sacrifice something. Or someone. You Have ever imagines that case of like this befalls you? Or like the one experienced by Shanty hereunder:
Shanty, beautiful and young manager assistant of that, weeps lugubrious… its(the tear is always flows whereas s(he to tell how the child which high fever and ague do not willing to be embraced its(the mother, but screams calls name of assistant is being going home going upstream.
This really happened! So... think again.
We will never know, what waiting in front of us. This story illustrated that it is not impossible we stay on course corner, given on to a real difficult choice. Because we have no another choice.
If You still wish to give best for man who you loves, you must do something. Possibly that requires your sacrifice. But isn't it true till now you also has sacrificed them to what end is wishing you to reach for. Tries retouching in perspective of you. Remembers: " The greatest discovery is note a new land, but to see the same land through different eyes."
What which I wish to tell following not thing easy. More than simply inverting palm. And not happened in last night. Need far more than that.
" Does abnormal things, hence you will become remarkable man."
" Does things that is not is done [by] others, so that you can enjoy what which cannot enjoyed by others."
Google Search
Thursday, May 31, 2007
There is three ways to be able to get money:
Works. You can get money by the way of working, either that works for others, and or opens business x'self. By working for others, hence usual money of you gets is in the form of salary. With opening business x'self, hence money which you gets usually can be bigger than if you work for others.
heritage, present, gift. The next way to be able to get money is by inheriting it from someone, like from parent or your couple. Besides, money you also able to get from others in the form of present or gift.
Does Investment. Third way to be able to get money is by the way of investing money which you has owned at the moment. When You does investment with opening deposit, hence you will get money in the form of deposit interest. If You buys share at certain price and sells it returns with higher level price, hence you will get money from selling price difference and the price of buying it.
Works. You can get money by the way of working, either that works for others, and or opens business x'self. By working for others, hence usual money of you gets is in the form of salary. With opening business x'self, hence money which you gets usually can be bigger than if you work for others.
heritage, present, gift. The next way to be able to get money is by inheriting it from someone, like from parent or your couple. Besides, money you also able to get from others in the form of present or gift.
Does Investment. Third way to be able to get money is by the way of investing money which you has owned at the moment. When You does investment with opening deposit, hence you will get money in the form of deposit interest. If You buys share at certain price and sells it returns with higher level price, hence you will get money from selling price difference and the price of buying it.
History of development of computer
History of development of computer may be happy to two epochs is :
a) Before the year 1940
b) After the year 1940
Before the year 1940
Man applies finger to recognize and spells out members number one to ten. As free that is they is beginning recognizes numbers larger ones but still using ground digits from finite 0 9. This realize the system tens. Radius applied to mingle and reject numbers. Reject mix numbers assists them to think in barter trading. If trading increasingly grow, radius cannot accommodate need think is increasing complicated.
Trading experts from country China, Turkic and Greek applies abacus (sempua) to do think of mix ground, reject and multiplication begins having mother free year. Abacus contains stones attached at some bars. All think is done by changing position of the stones.
In the year 1617, John Napier arises safer logarithm and equipment is called [by] bone Napier ( Napier's bonnet). Beside think of mix ground, reject, multiplication and happy, this equipment also may look for hill power number. Bone Napier do than bone, wood, metal and cad. Think is done with traversing number-number at square by hand.
Blaise Pascal creates machine to think first mechanical in the year 1642. This machine operates by moving gear at wheel. Pascal have also many contributing idea in the field of mathematic and science perhaps. Machine thinks Pascal has been moved forward by William Leibnitz.
In the year 1816, Charles Babbage constructs ' the difference engine'. This machine may finalize problem think of mathematic sifir like logarithm in mechanical correctly so that twenty digits. Follows draft reserved by it, this machine applies cad perforates as input, saves may job activities in memory, does think automatically and so on releases output in the form of printing; mould at paper.
This machine concept science experts during the period because assumed to be too onward. Project this construction although however unfinished of because no support technical assumed too onward during the. Babbage then its(the attention heap to ' the analytical engine'. Technological insuffiency during the also causes this project delayed. Although failed prepares both machine, idea Babbage discovered to be very useful to forming of computer modern today. All computers today applies machine model like the one reserved by Babbage, is input, memory, process and output.
Cad perforates first time is applied as a means of input in textile industry at automatic moving machine of creation Joseph Jecquard in the year 1801. This machine reads data with analyze hole cods at paper. Hole concept and no this hole indicates usage start of number binary in process of data.
Herman Hollerith popular usage of cad perforates as a means of data input. Its(the machine using cad to perforate is glorious process American resident effeminate homosexual data company To in the year 1887. Usage of cad perforates then his(its broadened to area of like insurant, analysis sell and system train self.
Howard Aiken introduces usage of machine electro mechanical is called [by] Mark I in the year 1937. One machine parts was electronic and partial again mechanical. Its form heavy and big and contains talian wayer which long. All operations in computer implemented by electromagnetic gigantic. Mark I may finalize problem function of trigs beside think ground. Even though said s(he still be assumed damp and bound by because number of store memory that is a few.
As free the year 1940
Computers as free the year 1940 is electronic fully. Beside think which is not accurate machines mechanical before this is too big, applies boarding with high to control it and requires too much manpower for observation.
evolution of Computer as free the year 1940 may be classified to five generations. Numeral in coop indicates tarikh budget.
First Generation ( 1940 - 1959)
Second Generation ( 1959 - 1964)
Third Generation ( 1964 - beginning of 80-an)
Fourth Generation ( beginning of 80-an - ?)
Fifth Generation ( future)
First Generation
Generation computers firstly applies vacuum to process and save communiqué. fairish vacuum like small lamp menthol. He becomes quickly hot and flammable. Thousands of vacuum required by one a period of so that every combustible operation doesn't overall of computer. Computer also applies electric energy which many so that sometime causes trouble at area around his.
This computer is 100% electronic, functions to assist scientist finalizes problem think of sensibly trajectory and precise. The Size is very big and may be classified as main frame (plays frame) . Example of first generation computer like ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) created by Dr John Mauchly and Presper Eckert in the year 1946.
Development that is very is esteemed is start of computer save memory in it, recognized as on file aturcara concept ( stored program concept). Concept reserved by John von this Neumann also focus at usage of number binary for all process duty and storage.
Dr. Mauchly and Eckert also assists construction of computer EDVAC ( Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) what tapers down usage of vacuum. Think also becomes more than ENIAC. EDVAC applies system number binary and on file concept.
Computer EDSAC ( Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) introduces mercury usage ( mercury) in save memory to. This way discovered more economically than vacuum but at general of s(he still be assumed overvalued. EDSAC moved forward by University Cambridge, England.
In the year 1951 Dr. Mauchly and Eckert creates UNIVAC I ( Universal of Automatic Calculator) first computer applied to process trading data. Partakes applies mercury ( mercury) for storage. UNIVAC I applied by Biro Banci civilian in America. As free feather in one's cap of ENIVAC I many interconnected computers of management and trading emerges as free his(its.
Second generation
Using second generation computers transistor and diode to replace - vacuum, makes size smaller computer and cheap. Resilience energy? power of transistor discovered to be better of because s(he is not flammable if it is compared to vacuum. New way of save memory also is introduced is magnetic terrace; core. Magnetic terrace; core applies smooth irons twisted by electrical Lateran. Process effort and size main memory of computer also increases. This becomes computer is more proper implement the duty.
Apparition of FORTRAN and COBOL indicates start of high rank language to replace in harder machine language. With said operation of computer becomes easier.
This era also indicates start of the biggest second is minicomputer in computer set of relatives. The price cheaper compared to than main frames. Computer DEC PDP8 is minicomputer firstly created in the year 1964 for processing trading data. Computer others in this generation is IBM 7090 and IBM 7094.
Third generation
Glorious fast microelectronic investigation refines transistor to microscopic size. Some hundred thousand transistors is can be compacted into chipping square silicon through process called by big scale amir (large scale integration, LSI), to yield later or more recognized as call for chip.
Chip beginning replaces transistor as component of logic of computer. Size chip which is small makes it popular is using in the much equipment of electronic and the price far cheaper compared to with other electronic component.
Smallest type in computer set of relatives, microcomputer emerges in this generation. Microcomputer becomes quicker of popular like jenama Apple II, IBM PC, NEC PC and Sinclair. Microcomputer is discovered very practical to all public ranks because its(the size is smaller, cheap price and its(the ability is functioning alone. a microcomputer copes overcomes computer ENIAC in implementing something duty.
Many languages emerges like BASIC, Pascal and PL/1. Most microcomputer is catered with linguistic in chip ROM to enable BASIC language is applied. This makes language BASIC which very popular at microcomputer.
Fourth generation
Chip still be applied process to and save memory. He is more onward, contains so that hundred thousand transistor components in it. Process of chip this high tech called very big scale amir ( very large scale integration, VLSI). Process can be done with interest proper, so that having million momentary beet. Main memory of computer becomes is bigger causing causes storage scunder is less important. Technology chip is going forward this draws near creavasse among microcomputer with minicomputer as well as microcomputer with main frame. This also realizes another computer class is called [by] supercomputer, which more proper and compares main frame.
Fifth generation
Fifth generation in evolution of possible computer had not presentation of again and he was future dream computer. fifth generation computer is more complex. He is expected to has more units process which is functioning at a time to finalize more than one duties in one a period.
This generation computer also has very big memory so that enables it is finalizing more complex problems. Central process unit also possible may function to face like man brain. This dream computer expected has separate cleverness, impressing situation around through see and wise takes something free decision than man convoys. This extraordinary conceived of " artificial intelligence".
a) Before the year 1940
b) After the year 1940
Before the year 1940
Man applies finger to recognize and spells out members number one to ten. As free that is they is beginning recognizes numbers larger ones but still using ground digits from finite 0 9. This realize the system tens. Radius applied to mingle and reject numbers. Reject mix numbers assists them to think in barter trading. If trading increasingly grow, radius cannot accommodate need think is increasing complicated.
Trading experts from country China, Turkic and Greek applies abacus (sempua) to do think of mix ground, reject and multiplication begins having mother free year. Abacus contains stones attached at some bars. All think is done by changing position of the stones.
In the year 1617, John Napier arises safer logarithm and equipment is called [by] bone Napier ( Napier's bonnet). Beside think of mix ground, reject, multiplication and happy, this equipment also may look for hill power number. Bone Napier do than bone, wood, metal and cad. Think is done with traversing number-number at square by hand.
Blaise Pascal creates machine to think first mechanical in the year 1642. This machine operates by moving gear at wheel. Pascal have also many contributing idea in the field of mathematic and science perhaps. Machine thinks Pascal has been moved forward by William Leibnitz.
In the year 1816, Charles Babbage constructs ' the difference engine'. This machine may finalize problem think of mathematic sifir like logarithm in mechanical correctly so that twenty digits. Follows draft reserved by it, this machine applies cad perforates as input, saves may job activities in memory, does think automatically and so on releases output in the form of printing; mould at paper.
This machine concept science experts during the period because assumed to be too onward. Project this construction although however unfinished of because no support technical assumed too onward during the. Babbage then its(the attention heap to ' the analytical engine'. Technological insuffiency during the also causes this project delayed. Although failed prepares both machine, idea Babbage discovered to be very useful to forming of computer modern today. All computers today applies machine model like the one reserved by Babbage, is input, memory, process and output.
Cad perforates first time is applied as a means of input in textile industry at automatic moving machine of creation Joseph Jecquard in the year 1801. This machine reads data with analyze hole cods at paper. Hole concept and no this hole indicates usage start of number binary in process of data.
Herman Hollerith popular usage of cad perforates as a means of data input. Its(the machine using cad to perforate is glorious process American resident effeminate homosexual data company To in the year 1887. Usage of cad perforates then his(its broadened to area of like insurant, analysis sell and system train self.
Howard Aiken introduces usage of machine electro mechanical is called [by] Mark I in the year 1937. One machine parts was electronic and partial again mechanical. Its form heavy and big and contains talian wayer which long. All operations in computer implemented by electromagnetic gigantic. Mark I may finalize problem function of trigs beside think ground. Even though said s(he still be assumed damp and bound by because number of store memory that is a few.
As free the year 1940
Computers as free the year 1940 is electronic fully. Beside think which is not accurate machines mechanical before this is too big, applies boarding with high to control it and requires too much manpower for observation.
evolution of Computer as free the year 1940 may be classified to five generations. Numeral in coop indicates tarikh budget.
First Generation ( 1940 - 1959)
Second Generation ( 1959 - 1964)
Third Generation ( 1964 - beginning of 80-an)
Fourth Generation ( beginning of 80-an - ?)
Fifth Generation ( future)
First Generation
Generation computers firstly applies vacuum to process and save communiqué. fairish vacuum like small lamp menthol. He becomes quickly hot and flammable. Thousands of vacuum required by one a period of so that every combustible operation doesn't overall of computer. Computer also applies electric energy which many so that sometime causes trouble at area around his.
This computer is 100% electronic, functions to assist scientist finalizes problem think of sensibly trajectory and precise. The Size is very big and may be classified as main frame (plays frame) . Example of first generation computer like ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) created by Dr John Mauchly and Presper Eckert in the year 1946.
Development that is very is esteemed is start of computer save memory in it, recognized as on file aturcara concept ( stored program concept). Concept reserved by John von this Neumann also focus at usage of number binary for all process duty and storage.
Dr. Mauchly and Eckert also assists construction of computer EDVAC ( Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) what tapers down usage of vacuum. Think also becomes more than ENIAC. EDVAC applies system number binary and on file concept.
Computer EDSAC ( Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) introduces mercury usage ( mercury) in save memory to. This way discovered more economically than vacuum but at general of s(he still be assumed overvalued. EDSAC moved forward by University Cambridge, England.
In the year 1951 Dr. Mauchly and Eckert creates UNIVAC I ( Universal of Automatic Calculator) first computer applied to process trading data. Partakes applies mercury ( mercury) for storage. UNIVAC I applied by Biro Banci civilian in America. As free feather in one's cap of ENIVAC I many interconnected computers of management and trading emerges as free his(its.
Second generation
Using second generation computers transistor and diode to replace - vacuum, makes size smaller computer and cheap. Resilience energy? power of transistor discovered to be better of because s(he is not flammable if it is compared to vacuum. New way of save memory also is introduced is magnetic terrace; core. Magnetic terrace; core applies smooth irons twisted by electrical Lateran. Process effort and size main memory of computer also increases. This becomes computer is more proper implement the duty.
Apparition of FORTRAN and COBOL indicates start of high rank language to replace in harder machine language. With said operation of computer becomes easier.
This era also indicates start of the biggest second is minicomputer in computer set of relatives. The price cheaper compared to than main frames. Computer DEC PDP8 is minicomputer firstly created in the year 1964 for processing trading data. Computer others in this generation is IBM 7090 and IBM 7094.
Third generation
Glorious fast microelectronic investigation refines transistor to microscopic size. Some hundred thousand transistors is can be compacted into chipping square silicon through process called by big scale amir (large scale integration, LSI), to yield later or more recognized as call for chip.
Chip beginning replaces transistor as component of logic of computer. Size chip which is small makes it popular is using in the much equipment of electronic and the price far cheaper compared to with other electronic component.
Smallest type in computer set of relatives, microcomputer emerges in this generation. Microcomputer becomes quicker of popular like jenama Apple II, IBM PC, NEC PC and Sinclair. Microcomputer is discovered very practical to all public ranks because its(the size is smaller, cheap price and its(the ability is functioning alone. a microcomputer copes overcomes computer ENIAC in implementing something duty.
Many languages emerges like BASIC, Pascal and PL/1. Most microcomputer is catered with linguistic in chip ROM to enable BASIC language is applied. This makes language BASIC which very popular at microcomputer.
Fourth generation
Chip still be applied process to and save memory. He is more onward, contains so that hundred thousand transistor components in it. Process of chip this high tech called very big scale amir ( very large scale integration, VLSI). Process can be done with interest proper, so that having million momentary beet. Main memory of computer becomes is bigger causing causes storage scunder is less important. Technology chip is going forward this draws near creavasse among microcomputer with minicomputer as well as microcomputer with main frame. This also realizes another computer class is called [by] supercomputer, which more proper and compares main frame.
Fifth generation
Fifth generation in evolution of possible computer had not presentation of again and he was future dream computer. fifth generation computer is more complex. He is expected to has more units process which is functioning at a time to finalize more than one duties in one a period.
This generation computer also has very big memory so that enables it is finalizing more complex problems. Central process unit also possible may function to face like man brain. This dream computer expected has separate cleverness, impressing situation around through see and wise takes something free decision than man convoys. This extraordinary conceived of " artificial intelligence".
" Education"
1. Education definitions according to some opinion? sights
Drs. Moehammad Isa Solaeman
Education is practical action but not any, because concerning basic idea, while the execution requires filican which keen. Hence for situation base structure of the life and education is required [by] an approach, beside express real practical facets, also stands a chance to open problem which more basic, so can reach meaning from action of the education rising for educating and also for educator.
Drs. Amir Daien Indrakusuma
Amir in its the book divides education understanding to become 2, that is :
Definition I : education is an effort for systematic and regular consciousness, what done by people who is surrendered responsibility to influence child to have character and demeanour as according to aspiration of education.
Definition II : Education is help given designedly to child of in corporeal growth and also its(the spirit to reach level of adult.
Emanuel Kant
Emanuel Kant express that man ( culture) none other than result of education, thereby means that education ready to make man who how only.
Poerbakawatja and Harahap ( 1981)
According to him education is business intentionallyly from adult for with its(the influence increases adulthood the always is interpreted can generate morale responsibility from all its(the deeds. The adult is old fellow or man who on the basis of its(the duty and position having obligation to educate, for example : schoolteacher, priest or kiai in religious area, hostel heads etcetera.
Mc Leoc ( 1989)
Tells in narrow; tight understanding that education means deed or deed process to obtain knowledge.
Tardif ( 1987)
In understanding which rather wide, education can be interpreted a process with certain methods so that people obtains knowledge, understanding and way of acting up according to requirement. In wide understanding and representative is all my ability expansion step and activity man as well as usage process of approximant of all experience of life.
2. Important meaning of education
- To form conscience or perfect
- To make people has life stock
3. Education role for progress a nation
Education is a source of progress for nation, this thing has been proven by existence of nations experiencing progress because level of its(the high education like Nippon, Hong Kong, etc. All education processes always is pointed to be able to provide or creates educated energy for nation importance, state, and fatherland. If a state require a real educated energy with quality, it is of course they must have high education. Its(the advance a state, can seen in process of development of the state. Development process is processing development, that is a increasing change process and dynamic, hence education shall be able to form or creates energy which can follow and entangles x'self in process of development of progress of nation, state, and fatherland. Hence, equally education hardly relating to progress a nation.
4. Education problems
" Insuffiency of instructor teacher
" Condition of ugly school
" Fund insuffiency
" Bounces has not made ready
" Unfavorable curriculum
" Time went to school and discipline is less
" Mass Media factor and social environment
5. Identification
a. Formal
- Lazy student
- Falling short school facility
- Expense of overvalued school
b. Informal
- Depressed by family problem, example : old fellow quarrels
- Way is educating child
- The relation of unfavorable old fellow and child
c. Formal xenon
- Existence of forbidden drugs
- Haves an in with negative problem
- Indisposed interaction
Drs. Moehammad Isa Solaeman
Education is practical action but not any, because concerning basic idea, while the execution requires filican which keen. Hence for situation base structure of the life and education is required [by] an approach, beside express real practical facets, also stands a chance to open problem which more basic, so can reach meaning from action of the education rising for educating and also for educator.
Drs. Amir Daien Indrakusuma
Amir in its the book divides education understanding to become 2, that is :
Definition I : education is an effort for systematic and regular consciousness, what done by people who is surrendered responsibility to influence child to have character and demeanour as according to aspiration of education.
Definition II : Education is help given designedly to child of in corporeal growth and also its(the spirit to reach level of adult.
Emanuel Kant
Emanuel Kant express that man ( culture) none other than result of education, thereby means that education ready to make man who how only.
Poerbakawatja and Harahap ( 1981)
According to him education is business intentionallyly from adult for with its(the influence increases adulthood the always is interpreted can generate morale responsibility from all its(the deeds. The adult is old fellow or man who on the basis of its(the duty and position having obligation to educate, for example : schoolteacher, priest or kiai in religious area, hostel heads etcetera.
Mc Leoc ( 1989)
Tells in narrow; tight understanding that education means deed or deed process to obtain knowledge.
Tardif ( 1987)
In understanding which rather wide, education can be interpreted a process with certain methods so that people obtains knowledge, understanding and way of acting up according to requirement. In wide understanding and representative is all my ability expansion step and activity man as well as usage process of approximant of all experience of life.
2. Important meaning of education
- To form conscience or perfect
- To make people has life stock
3. Education role for progress a nation
Education is a source of progress for nation, this thing has been proven by existence of nations experiencing progress because level of its(the high education like Nippon, Hong Kong, etc. All education processes always is pointed to be able to provide or creates educated energy for nation importance, state, and fatherland. If a state require a real educated energy with quality, it is of course they must have high education. Its(the advance a state, can seen in process of development of the state. Development process is processing development, that is a increasing change process and dynamic, hence education shall be able to form or creates energy which can follow and entangles x'self in process of development of progress of nation, state, and fatherland. Hence, equally education hardly relating to progress a nation.
4. Education problems
" Insuffiency of instructor teacher
" Condition of ugly school
" Fund insuffiency
" Bounces has not made ready
" Unfavorable curriculum
" Time went to school and discipline is less
" Mass Media factor and social environment
5. Identification
a. Formal
- Lazy student
- Falling short school facility
- Expense of overvalued school
b. Informal
- Depressed by family problem, example : old fellow quarrels
- Way is educating child
- The relation of unfavorable old fellow and child
c. Formal xenon
- Existence of forbidden drugs
- Haves an in with negative problem
- Indisposed interaction
History Of Operating system
After computer is created, according to TANENBAUM Operating system experiences mushroom growth, and can be divided in four generations :
First Generation
First Generation, between the year 1945-1955. This generation is beginning of development of electronic computing system in the place of mechanic computing system, that thing is caused [by] speed of man to calculate is limited and man hardly easy to make carelessness, mistake even errors. At this generation has not there are operating system, hence computer system is given [by] instruction which must be done directly.
Second Generation
Second Generation, between the year 1955-1965 generations is be a period of the Batch Processing System, that is Job done in a series, then is executed in sequence With this generation computer system has not been equipped operating system, but some operation system functions there have, its(the example system function of operation is FMS and IBSYS
Third Generation
Third Generation, between the year 1965-1980. At this generation development of operating system developed to serve many consumers at the same time, where consumers interactive communicates through? via terminal on-linely to computer, hence operating system becomes multi-user ( in using many people at the same time ) and multiprogramming(serve many programs at the same time).
Fourth Generation
Fourth Generation, Operating system bases on network, between the year 1980 - 199x. Operating system utilized for computer network where consumer realizes existence of computers that is each other incircuit one other same. During this user have also been fresh with Graphical User Interface that is computer being based on a real balmy graphical, during this also is started computing era spread over where computing [shall] no longer focusing in one points, but broken many computer causing is reached better performance.
Development Flashback
OS Windows
Operating System Windows which legendary first time created by Microsoft in the year 1985 as part of effort to the application of graphical interface as owned by Macintosh at IBM-PC. The scorpion, Windows at the most a graphical tools is coming up almost patch up. Windows this first version of course not too its(the success or not is seen from the angle of marketing- but that way, this is initial bollard of usage Graphical User Interface ( GUI) at machines PC.
Windows almost don't experience development to mean so reaching version 30. That moment, likely Windows has found its form snugly. Slow but sure Windows 31 followed by you its(the Windows for Workgroups which release the year 1992 starting menggebrak. Along with increasingly the wide-speading of usage of class machine 386 upward equipped with by hard luxuriant disk—part of for measure when its program bases on Windows to start acceptable of market and slow replaces software to base on DOS which initially predominates. The above is true, hence the consumers WordStar starts changing over to AmiPro or Microsoft Word, whereas traditional consumer of Lotus 123 starting tries tastes Microsoft Excel or 123 for Windows.
The scorpion, Windows actually more alike a graphical tools is run to system DOS compared to a OS which independent. For consideration that is, hence around year of 1994 Microsoft introduces OS Windows NT to public. From the angle of technology, NT is a breakthrough with job(activity system 32 pure beets and a heap of other excess, including ability to be independent as a OS without base on MS-DOS. Unhappily, requirement of hardware which pertained is luxuriant for that moment measure ( processor as of class 486, 16 MB RAM and finite hundreds of MB hard disk space for installation) causes this operating system assumed hay a suited for attached at computer as of server class with big work load.
In the middle of the 1995, Bill Gates, boss Microsoft, launches Microsoft Windows 95. This of new product--yang is developed by the name of code CHICAGO--INI is heralded to has a number of excesses compared to the its(the predecessors. Performance 32 beets, preemptive multitasking, multithreading, ability handles hardware in plug-and-play, GUI which is prettier, and ability to directly enter to graphical modus when booting is strike pamungkas Microsoft to rake in buyer.
Windows 95 also in great demand roasted peanut basin. Requirement of hardware which equivalent approximately with NT [shall] no longer become problem because lowering of the price of peripheral computer, mainly RAM, added increasingly the wide-speading of usage of harddisk is having capacities 1 GB upward, makes too not this product difficult to pierce market.
Windows 95 predominating finite desktop computers of the year 1997, when Microsoft releases repair version having epithet Windows 95/OSR2. One of facility pamungkas which on the market in this release is usage of system FAT32 ( 32 beets File Allocation Table) capable to optimal of recording structure of file at harddisk is having capacities big ( 640MB upward). Internet era is anticipated [by] Microsoft with scale model in built-in browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 30 along with Microsoft Mail & News at this product. Ayal step do not taken by this Microsoft have time to invite protest from the developer of software browser like Netscape. Is will said, Microsoft stands at bay at its(the decision. Easy to be guessed, Microsoft finally king most of market for software the existing finite browser.
Only having tubing one year after Windows 95/OSR2 launched, Microsoft returns release Windows his(its newest version, this named Windows 98. Not many excess that is on the market is compared to the its(the predecessors. Windows 98 Internet Scale Models Explorer 40 and software Outlook Express to replace MS Mail & News at version before all and introduces management system of file that integrated with internet browser causing facilitates its(the consumer to work in network. Not left behind also ( of course!) repair interface.
Two years elapses at Windows its(the 98 release—of course by alternated its(the exit some patch and repair of bug--Microsoft returns to takes action with merilis Windows 2000 which later will replace Windows NT as operating system for server and class consumer high-end. For homebased consumer alias Home user, available of Windows Me ( Millenium Edition) which none other than expansion from version Windows 9x. Many things that is on the market Microsoft for consumer Me. Besides packaging in the form of appearance which more draws, this system also scale model Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook Express 55. In this release, Microsoft also many giving attention at the application of Multimedia, can be seen from figuring in of program packages a kind of Windows Movie Maker and DVD Player, and improvement of facility that is enough significant at Windows Media Player. Technically, Windows Me makes breakthrough by discharging compatibility support from for DOS and the application of his(its. As a result consumer Windows [shall] no longer earn booting through prompt DOS ( in versions before all can be done with depressing [ F8] when booting, continued by choosing option " Start with Mode MS-DOS").
But of course it all there are its(the consequence. Windows Me obliges consumer to have processor equivalent Pentium 166 and minimum RAM 32 MB to be able to implement it. It is of course this is not clauses that is too heavy to all user in developed countries remembers the price of hardware which always free fall. Our darling in Indonesia only can swallow spiting. Rate USD leaping to level which almost be illogical makes many consumers PC in Indonesia which must satisfy applies PC with patch up hardware configuration.
Now Microsoft has released his(its newest Windows version: Windows Xp ( eXPerience). Explains many excesses that is on the market is compared to the its(the predecessors. Windows Xp is package with interface which is different; more familiar for even a laymen consumer, also integration with internet that is increasingly stable isotope, and not left behind multimedia facility that is surprise. But best awaiting formerly! To enjoy as of excess warehouse that is on the market Microsoft through? via the Windows Xp, of course must with reliable hardware capital. If your computer having processor less than Pentium II/Celeron 350 MHZ with RAM 64 MB ( recommended 128 MB), hence is better if delayed formerly desire to apply the Xp!
First Generation
First Generation, between the year 1945-1955. This generation is beginning of development of electronic computing system in the place of mechanic computing system, that thing is caused [by] speed of man to calculate is limited and man hardly easy to make carelessness, mistake even errors. At this generation has not there are operating system, hence computer system is given [by] instruction which must be done directly.
Second Generation
Second Generation, between the year 1955-1965 generations is be a period of the Batch Processing System, that is Job done in a series, then is executed in sequence With this generation computer system has not been equipped operating system, but some operation system functions there have, its(the example system function of operation is FMS and IBSYS
Third Generation
Third Generation, between the year 1965-1980. At this generation development of operating system developed to serve many consumers at the same time, where consumers interactive communicates through? via terminal on-linely to computer, hence operating system becomes multi-user ( in using many people at the same time ) and multiprogramming(serve many programs at the same time).
Fourth Generation
Fourth Generation, Operating system bases on network, between the year 1980 - 199x. Operating system utilized for computer network where consumer realizes existence of computers that is each other incircuit one other same. During this user have also been fresh with Graphical User Interface that is computer being based on a real balmy graphical, during this also is started computing era spread over where computing [shall] no longer focusing in one points, but broken many computer causing is reached better performance.
Development Flashback
OS Windows
Operating System Windows which legendary first time created by Microsoft in the year 1985 as part of effort to the application of graphical interface as owned by Macintosh at IBM-PC. The scorpion, Windows at the most a graphical tools is coming up almost patch up. Windows this first version of course not too its(the success or not is seen from the angle of marketing- but that way, this is initial bollard of usage Graphical User Interface ( GUI) at machines PC.
Windows almost don't experience development to mean so reaching version 30. That moment, likely Windows has found its form snugly. Slow but sure Windows 31 followed by you its(the Windows for Workgroups which release the year 1992 starting menggebrak. Along with increasingly the wide-speading of usage of class machine 386 upward equipped with by hard luxuriant disk—part of for measure when its program bases on Windows to start acceptable of market and slow replaces software to base on DOS which initially predominates. The above is true, hence the consumers WordStar starts changing over to AmiPro or Microsoft Word, whereas traditional consumer of Lotus 123 starting tries tastes Microsoft Excel or 123 for Windows.
The scorpion, Windows actually more alike a graphical tools is run to system DOS compared to a OS which independent. For consideration that is, hence around year of 1994 Microsoft introduces OS Windows NT to public. From the angle of technology, NT is a breakthrough with job(activity system 32 pure beets and a heap of other excess, including ability to be independent as a OS without base on MS-DOS. Unhappily, requirement of hardware which pertained is luxuriant for that moment measure ( processor as of class 486, 16 MB RAM and finite hundreds of MB hard disk space for installation) causes this operating system assumed hay a suited for attached at computer as of server class with big work load.
In the middle of the 1995, Bill Gates, boss Microsoft, launches Microsoft Windows 95. This of new product--yang is developed by the name of code CHICAGO--INI is heralded to has a number of excesses compared to the its(the predecessors. Performance 32 beets, preemptive multitasking, multithreading, ability handles hardware in plug-and-play, GUI which is prettier, and ability to directly enter to graphical modus when booting is strike pamungkas Microsoft to rake in buyer.
Windows 95 also in great demand roasted peanut basin. Requirement of hardware which equivalent approximately with NT [shall] no longer become problem because lowering of the price of peripheral computer, mainly RAM, added increasingly the wide-speading of usage of harddisk is having capacities 1 GB upward, makes too not this product difficult to pierce market.
Windows 95 predominating finite desktop computers of the year 1997, when Microsoft releases repair version having epithet Windows 95/OSR2. One of facility pamungkas which on the market in this release is usage of system FAT32 ( 32 beets File Allocation Table) capable to optimal of recording structure of file at harddisk is having capacities big ( 640MB upward). Internet era is anticipated [by] Microsoft with scale model in built-in browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 30 along with Microsoft Mail & News at this product. Ayal step do not taken by this Microsoft have time to invite protest from the developer of software browser like Netscape. Is will said, Microsoft stands at bay at its(the decision. Easy to be guessed, Microsoft finally king most of market for software the existing finite browser.
Only having tubing one year after Windows 95/OSR2 launched, Microsoft returns release Windows his(its newest version, this named Windows 98. Not many excess that is on the market is compared to the its(the predecessors. Windows 98 Internet Scale Models Explorer 40 and software Outlook Express to replace MS Mail & News at version before all and introduces management system of file that integrated with internet browser causing facilitates its(the consumer to work in network. Not left behind also ( of course!) repair interface.
Two years elapses at Windows its(the 98 release—of course by alternated its(the exit some patch and repair of bug--Microsoft returns to takes action with merilis Windows 2000 which later will replace Windows NT as operating system for server and class consumer high-end. For homebased consumer alias Home user, available of Windows Me ( Millenium Edition) which none other than expansion from version Windows 9x. Many things that is on the market Microsoft for consumer Me. Besides packaging in the form of appearance which more draws, this system also scale model Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook Express 55. In this release, Microsoft also many giving attention at the application of Multimedia, can be seen from figuring in of program packages a kind of Windows Movie Maker and DVD Player, and improvement of facility that is enough significant at Windows Media Player. Technically, Windows Me makes breakthrough by discharging compatibility support from for DOS and the application of his(its. As a result consumer Windows [shall] no longer earn booting through prompt DOS ( in versions before all can be done with depressing [ F8] when booting, continued by choosing option " Start with Mode MS-DOS").
But of course it all there are its(the consequence. Windows Me obliges consumer to have processor equivalent Pentium 166 and minimum RAM 32 MB to be able to implement it. It is of course this is not clauses that is too heavy to all user in developed countries remembers the price of hardware which always free fall. Our darling in Indonesia only can swallow spiting. Rate USD leaping to level which almost be illogical makes many consumers PC in Indonesia which must satisfy applies PC with patch up hardware configuration.
Now Microsoft has released his(its newest Windows version: Windows Xp ( eXPerience). Explains many excesses that is on the market is compared to the its(the predecessors. Windows Xp is package with interface which is different; more familiar for even a laymen consumer, also integration with internet that is increasingly stable isotope, and not left behind multimedia facility that is surprise. But best awaiting formerly! To enjoy as of excess warehouse that is on the market Microsoft through? via the Windows Xp, of course must with reliable hardware capital. If your computer having processor less than Pentium II/Celeron 350 MHZ with RAM 64 MB ( recommended 128 MB), hence is better if delayed formerly desire to apply the Xp!
Marriage in religion Buddha
Marriage is mating between men - man and woman to be spouse. a couple is believing in Buddha can choose between lives is having family or not having family. If couple wish having family hence people can married with couple its the choice. On the contrary if people choose not to having family, hence people can live in shrine as Priest.
Before married required [by] ripe preparation. The side of man and woman ought to do is each other watcher to other party to know excess and lacking of couple. So if there is problem - problem emerging later the couple can overcome it.
Which must be paid attention by man to woman, if there is no problem with appearance, age, descendant is:
1. Confidence at religion
2. Ethic/moral
3. Education
4. Skilled of woman
5. Emotional maturity
6. Wisdom
For man which must be paid attention is:
1. Confidence at religion
2. Ethic/moral
3. Education
4. Work
5. Responsibility
6. Wisdom
Confidence at religion : Be better if wife husband has the same confidence, mean same - same believed in Buddha. After both believing in Buddha hence as proper his(its both comprehending and executes teaching of the Buddha in life one day - day and happy life.
Ethic/moral : Ethic/moral must become main attention, because without good morale of the man car supposing without brake ( uncontrollably ). Ethic/moral cannot be formed in one or two day, but is cumulative development of itself man. Morale would easily destroy because greed, dislike, and stupidity, however present era of a lot praises them rich, he/she said "Greedy is Good"
Education : This time is better if formal education is made inner measure to look for life couple, caused by education difference which too far will influence harmonious of itself wife husband.
Skilled of woman ( woman) : a woman must be clever manages household before entering marriage ladder. For example; woman should be able to manage house, ripe, shopping to market, arranges money, including becoming good mother.
Emotional maturity ( woman) : This thing shows level of adulthood a woman. a immature woman will claim excessive attention from its(the husband, spoiled, thin-skinned, headstrong, egoist ,etc. a matured woman of its(the emotion would more patient, in facing emerging household problem.
Work ( man) : Work is a real part necessary for man - man. a woman will not will married with man who don’t have home. Of course era now quite a few working woman, but natural of man is earn life for its the family.
Responsibility ( man) : This thing is personality of someone men. Responsibility is thing needed to takes care of harmonious of household, especially man responsibility - man as a family head.
Wisdom : Really business - be really to had wisdom in life this is very profits life hereinafter in this and in the future. By having wisdom hence all decisions taken not because of like/not to like, not because of following - join with others, but because good to all party(sides in now and also a period of which will come.
Why should dating of vital importance as gestation period. Why should usable dating as orientation week or a period of character hawker together couple. Every man has different personality pattern, and personality is not guaranteed of the someone fits in with personality of someone who selected it as life couple, therefore a period of dating of vital importance.
Before married required [by] ripe preparation. The side of man and woman ought to do is each other watcher to other party to know excess and lacking of couple. So if there is problem - problem emerging later the couple can overcome it.
Which must be paid attention by man to woman, if there is no problem with appearance, age, descendant is:
1. Confidence at religion
2. Ethic/moral
3. Education
4. Skilled of woman
5. Emotional maturity
6. Wisdom
For man which must be paid attention is:
1. Confidence at religion
2. Ethic/moral
3. Education
4. Work
5. Responsibility
6. Wisdom
Confidence at religion : Be better if wife husband has the same confidence, mean same - same believed in Buddha. After both believing in Buddha hence as proper his(its both comprehending and executes teaching of the Buddha in life one day - day and happy life.
Ethic/moral : Ethic/moral must become main attention, because without good morale of the man car supposing without brake ( uncontrollably ). Ethic/moral cannot be formed in one or two day, but is cumulative development of itself man. Morale would easily destroy because greed, dislike, and stupidity, however present era of a lot praises them rich, he/she said "Greedy is Good"
Education : This time is better if formal education is made inner measure to look for life couple, caused by education difference which too far will influence harmonious of itself wife husband.
Skilled of woman ( woman) : a woman must be clever manages household before entering marriage ladder. For example; woman should be able to manage house, ripe, shopping to market, arranges money, including becoming good mother.
Emotional maturity ( woman) : This thing shows level of adulthood a woman. a immature woman will claim excessive attention from its(the husband, spoiled, thin-skinned, headstrong, egoist ,etc. a matured woman of its(the emotion would more patient, in facing emerging household problem.
Work ( man) : Work is a real part necessary for man - man. a woman will not will married with man who don’t have home. Of course era now quite a few working woman, but natural of man is earn life for its the family.
Responsibility ( man) : This thing is personality of someone men. Responsibility is thing needed to takes care of harmonious of household, especially man responsibility - man as a family head.
Wisdom : Really business - be really to had wisdom in life this is very profits life hereinafter in this and in the future. By having wisdom hence all decisions taken not because of like/not to like, not because of following - join with others, but because good to all party(sides in now and also a period of which will come.
Why should dating of vital importance as gestation period. Why should usable dating as orientation week or a period of character hawker together couple. Every man has different personality pattern, and personality is not guaranteed of the someone fits in with personality of someone who selected it as life couple, therefore a period of dating of vital importance.
Lately a lot of case - divorce case in our Negara, a lot of artist - artist as well as marrying public divorces. Actually divorce is disconnection of tying marries judicially ( validity ), be deviation from intention of God ( a hateful thing of God ), is not contributed Bible except in certain condition boundaries. Divorce is as result of sin of from one or the husband/wife spouse both parties.
As for the cause of divorce of inter alia wife husband, as follows :
- Failure in managing household
- Dishonest( The relation of dark )
- Action bad from husband
- Incompatible taste one another
- Marriage of young age
- Inexistence of descendant of in a marriage
- Economic
Failure in managing household is one of divorce cause, The thing is caused [by] the husband/wife spouse has workload x'self - x'self causing had no time for family and children.
Dishonest or existence of third party is divorce cause which many happened. The couple dissatisfy to its(the couple and tries looks for others by stealth - hides.
There is also deed bad from the Husband which frequently maltreats the wife by the way of beating, tortures, etc. In-(un- same in a family also can cause divorce, The thing possibly is caused lack of orientation week between together couple before married.
Marriage of young age many happened in our Negara. But usually the nuptials don't go along way, because together individual still wish to enjoy its the freedom.
Existence of not of descendant can also causes divorce, Caused by child of considered to be [by] family router. Though there are not of descendant of depended from God.
Economic problem also is divorce cause. In life in present era of man cannot quit of economics problem. Money required in constructing a household, like: for life one day - day, for expense of schoolchild, cost - other cost (electrics, telephone, etc)
Of course for husband/wife spouse which divorced not to generate a big problem. Man who divorced to become widower, and woman becomes widow, But for child - child which they depart from hardly suffers. They [shall] no longer get affection from both its the old fellows. So in divorce, becoming victim is child - child.
As for the cause of divorce of inter alia wife husband, as follows :
- Failure in managing household
- Dishonest( The relation of dark )
- Action bad from husband
- Incompatible taste one another
- Marriage of young age
- Inexistence of descendant of in a marriage
- Economic
Failure in managing household is one of divorce cause, The thing is caused [by] the husband/wife spouse has workload x'self - x'self causing had no time for family and children.
Dishonest or existence of third party is divorce cause which many happened. The couple dissatisfy to its(the couple and tries looks for others by stealth - hides.
There is also deed bad from the Husband which frequently maltreats the wife by the way of beating, tortures, etc. In-(un- same in a family also can cause divorce, The thing possibly is caused lack of orientation week between together couple before married.
Marriage of young age many happened in our Negara. But usually the nuptials don't go along way, because together individual still wish to enjoy its the freedom.
Existence of not of descendant can also causes divorce, Caused by child of considered to be [by] family router. Though there are not of descendant of depended from God.
Economic problem also is divorce cause. In life in present era of man cannot quit of economics problem. Money required in constructing a household, like: for life one day - day, for expense of schoolchild, cost - other cost (electrics, telephone, etc)
Of course for husband/wife spouse which divorced not to generate a big problem. Man who divorced to become widower, and woman becomes widow, But for child - child which they depart from hardly suffers. They [shall] no longer get affection from both its the old fellows. So in divorce, becoming victim is child - child.
Study of Indonesia Language for Foreign: Issue and Reality
This handing out center idea will be fundamental with reference to teaching of Indonesian for foreign tell ( BIPA) which its(the sajian will include;cover basis teoretis foreign language teaching, various teaching phenomenons BIPA, and exploiting of technological media especially internet for Lesson BIPA. friction of Linguistic teaching towards which interactive peeps out study entangling other variable like input characteristic and environmental factor that need to be studied in selection and service of teaching and learning material. This principles will be seen from side relevansi and its(the fisibility for teaching BIPA, including exploiting access to region place-siber for acceleration of acquirement of BIPA itself.
Foreign language Teaching
Discussion regarding of teaching of language cannot be discharged from language study context. Both tightly barbed and entangles various variables that is the numbers many. Its(the core is that learning process teachs the non language thing that is simple and cannot be observed simply as activity cuttings releases and bails material only.
Foreign language teaching, including BIPA, as professional activity has borne various frameworks theory entangling various disciplines. Between the year 1940 - 1960 seen once existence of sturdy opinion?sight that applying of linguistics and psychology will become best base to solve problem language teaching.
Hereinafter, born various models who is seeing factors influential in egg pedagogi language, like model from Campbell, Spolsky, Ingram, and Mackey ( read Stern, 1983).
Linguistic study often only focus attention at just linguistics mannerism neglectfully its the non-linguistic mannerism. In this context Bloomfield ( 1933:499) express that
Whoever is accustomed to distinguish linguistic between of and non-linguistic behavior, will agree with the criticism that our schools deal too much with the former, drilling the child indium speech response phases of arithmetic, geography, or history, and neglecting to train him indium behavior toward his actual environment.
Formal teaching system in school in study context of language only to be just one from so much related variable. Other variable properly is seen is for example exposure variable ( exposure), age the study, and level of acculturation ( Krashen, 1982:330).
In so many research reported by Krashen ( 1982:37-43), the exposure sometimes positive correlation and means with deftness is having language, but sometimes nor. In the case of age variable that is often assumed as an deftness estimator B2, Krashen, Long and Scarcella cited by Krashen ( 1982:43) take center generalizing following based on result of its(the research: ( 1) Adult runs rings round from at children in going beyond step early development of its(the B2; ( 2) with time and the same exposure, older chlid passed quicker language acquisition process from at child which more young; and ( 3) have starting natural exposure to B2 during children in general reaches deftness of better B2 from at starting his(its natural exposure as a adult.
Level of acculturation the study to group of target language will control level of its(the language acquisition. According To Schumann elaborated by Larsen-Free man ( in Bailey, Long & Peck ( editor), 1983), the acculturation covers two group of factor: social variable and affective variable.
A few differing from Krashen, Titone ( in Alatis, Altman, and Alatis ( editor), 1981:74—75) anticipates that motivation, language talent, and number of time used in learning language is three factors that is most uppermost giving characteristic at study B2.
The above is true, teaching context of BIPA reach would to related matters like availability of study area support from which will give composition which will be studied, teacher with deftness of adequate Indonesian, student with all its(the characteristics, and teaching method which its(the effectiveness would hardly base on all factors mentioned former. Altogether interaction will in making activity of teaching and learning BIPA to become really worked/successfully.
Teaching Phenomenon BIPA
There is various problems related to bargain BIPA in various states. In Australian, like the one is said [by] Sarumpaet ( 1988), typical resistance to development of BIPA is " lack of vacancy or [position/occupation] for those with deftness in BI." In Korea, according to Young-Rhim ( 1988), " other resistance which we felt only about Lesson matter." In United States, problem quality of Lesson still must be strived its(the resolving, as phrased by Sumarmo ( 1988). In Germany, because enthusiasm studies language and culture of increasing Indonesia, effort need to be done " through improvement of writing and bookmaking about Indonesia either in foreign language and also in Indonesian" ( Soedijarto, 1988). In teacher Japan BIPA " requires complete dictionary, especially dictionary which complete with example of usage of quite a lot word" ( Shigeru, 1988).
In answering to requirement would availability of linguistic input in teaching context of this BIPA, need to be observed various factors: For example, there are some input characteristic that the input can be obtained quickly in language acquisition context. Literate of the input for example determined with characteristic: understanding/understand, liking and/or relevance, random gramatic, and adequate amount ( Krashen, 1982:62-73).
Characteristic understanding can be observed from development of acquirement of B2 or language is not familiar through? via material which cannot be comprehended. Characteristic like and/or relevance is expected can push the having to focus attention at contents of compared to at form. Relevant and interesting input is expected can create condition at the having in such a manner so that s(he " forgets" that what medium of reception of produced in second language or strangers(foreigners. In situation of learning teachs in this characteristic class difficult to be fulfilled, because binding of time and compulsion covers material which ammy has in syllabus. In the case of characteristic random gramatis, to center that where the input comprehended and meant negotiation success, input language by Krashen as i+1 would automatically present.
In discussing teaching and language study, area, in understanding " everything the language learner hears and as ices indium the new language," ( Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, 1982:13), be thing of vital importance in relation to success of study of the language. Macro environmental factor covers ( 1) natural of language heard; ( 2) role the study in communications; ( 3) availibility of concreete reference to explain meaning; and ( 4) who is target language model ( Dulay, Burt and Krashen, 1982:14). While micro environmental factor include;covers ( 1) uppermost ( salience), that is his(its easy to a structure for look or heard; ( 2) feedback, that is hearer comments or reader to speech or article the studier; and ( 3) frequency, that is frequently the studier hears or sees certain structure ( Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, 1982:32).
With reference to micro environmental factor, first is uppermost ( salience). This uppermost refers to amenity a structure seen or heard. He is distinguishing is certain which seems to make an item visually or auditor is more uppermostly from at other. Second micro environmental factor is feedback. One of feedback type is correction, the other is approval or positive feed back.
Micro environmental factor that is third is frequency assumed as factor influential to language acquisition. More and more many the studier hears a structure, more and more quickly acquirement process of the structure. But other research simply result egg has different ( Dulay, Burt, Krashen, 1982:32—37).
Input marking in teaching of this BIPA is including itself input in the form of teaching and learning material has made available is quite a lot if teacher BIPA come will to and from through?via various the medias. One of among media which will assist expansion of teaching material and contribution will at improvement effort is having language that is technology media, especially internet.
Exploiting of Technological Media
These days, an education institute without equipped [by] internet network will lose his own dynamics. In smaller its extent, seems to have started it is be prepared that an academician without plopping down to internet ocean, will create blankness cavity which many in the field of his(its each. Internet network for a scientist can function as a real information warehouse its(the reportage wide. In the relation with education expansion, internet can function either as source of material and also as understanding framework ordered and skeletal thought for educative education and also participant itself.
Access internet to become easier these days of course with a note of the access has domination of foreign language would. Access feeder becomes is more always. In town Bandung only, there are some internet access feeder choices, like netura, sidola, melsa, pos-giro, and ibm. One of among the application of internet standard is the more knowledgeable world wide web with abbreviation www. This network is database distribution which in it contains information with various reportage areas. Even journals also having mother the numbers can be accessed through this network.
In everyday mention of we hear the word e-mail, which is abbreviation of electronic mail. This term Indonesianizeed to become electronic mail, possibly good if I mentioned just of ratnik. Now address ratnik owned by someone has become sophisticated marker of people.
By using this ratnik, one can receives and replies or sends handing out directly without having to go to post of fice. a student earned in direct corollation to unlimited by space distance and also difference of time to its(the lecturer or counsellor. this very efficient and effective Ratnik. During brief, if(when consignee opens its(the internet, letter we have up to complete. Expense of its(the delivery becomes very cheap. a long letter will change over to provider from man computer which will receive the letter only in just a few seconds, although people resides in back of this hemisphere. Expense of our delivery are very cheap because will only be equivalent with usage of local phonecall a few seconds only, nonchalant to part of world such we send the letter. Even by using application like telnet we can communicate in writing with man who is having access to internet anywhere in this world.
By exploiting various the applications in internet network, various education efforts earns more improved. Education program bargain, library usage, access to encyclopedia, exploration of publication, and scientific journal scanning is easy go thing through the internet that.
Even Indonesian teacher for foreign tell using can various sources about Indonesia and area through newspaper or magazine which can be accessed freely is various homepage, like magazine Tempo, newspaper Republics and Kompas. Obtainable other material passed access to various institutes which has peeped out information and its(the product in internet network.
All source of information which can be accessed that gives opportunity for creative teacher to create new way in presenting Lesson material. From there also can be done election effort of main material and also complement material for school activity. Even by the way of separate, teachers can take certain material with printing it as component of which can be modified activity usage of its(the teaching and learning.
APBIPA which for a while there is at or tries inter alia is entering various situs BIPA which soon earns reached by the member of his(its. There is material substansial which able to be accessed either by teacher and also by studier BIPA through the internet. For example, SEASITE which can be accessed through?via to provide practice interactive, reading text with dictionary facility and question of double helix. There is also part of conversation for understanding of mimicry and the relation of to source of news and Indonesia culture art. Teacher and studier BIPA earns also obtains teaching of structure and pronunciation with traditional format there is in hal Learn Indonesian indium Seven Days in: developed based on sebuak booklet so that has not included interactivity but enough good for refreshing knowledge.
For learning BIPA which lacking of idea, can obtain help from teaching planning structure to create duty interactive in surfing the news! in
AFMLTA/RESGIDEOHTM, an image of class collaborative duration 5 week developed based on study to on-line Indonesia newspapers as component of idea which can be applied for expansion of class. In it is also 10 Lesson plans based on study to volcano in Indonesia.
To complement activity material of teaching and learning BIPA we can access various material and information through?via windows Indonesia in and Academic Internet Resources Indonesia on, The University of Auckland in
Study of BIPA requires multifarious effort, as does study of other foreign language. Various variables partakes involving in striving makes study of success BIPA carefully. If(when we will choose key variable from so much the variable, choice will fall at teacher variable. Teacher BIPA good will become model for its(the pupils. Good teacher will cope exploits all the facilities and opportunity in making activity of its(the teaching and learning is successfully usage. Including in striving this is willingness of teacher BIPA to exploit various Indonesian inputs from various technology medias, especially internet. With that, lacking of material and Indonesian model will be overcome.
Foreign language Teaching
Discussion regarding of teaching of language cannot be discharged from language study context. Both tightly barbed and entangles various variables that is the numbers many. Its(the core is that learning process teachs the non language thing that is simple and cannot be observed simply as activity cuttings releases and bails material only.
Foreign language teaching, including BIPA, as professional activity has borne various frameworks theory entangling various disciplines. Between the year 1940 - 1960 seen once existence of sturdy opinion?sight that applying of linguistics and psychology will become best base to solve problem language teaching.
Hereinafter, born various models who is seeing factors influential in egg pedagogi language, like model from Campbell, Spolsky, Ingram, and Mackey ( read Stern, 1983).
Linguistic study often only focus attention at just linguistics mannerism neglectfully its the non-linguistic mannerism. In this context Bloomfield ( 1933:499) express that
Whoever is accustomed to distinguish linguistic between of and non-linguistic behavior, will agree with the criticism that our schools deal too much with the former, drilling the child indium speech response phases of arithmetic, geography, or history, and neglecting to train him indium behavior toward his actual environment.
Formal teaching system in school in study context of language only to be just one from so much related variable. Other variable properly is seen is for example exposure variable ( exposure), age the study, and level of acculturation ( Krashen, 1982:330).
In so many research reported by Krashen ( 1982:37-43), the exposure sometimes positive correlation and means with deftness is having language, but sometimes nor. In the case of age variable that is often assumed as an deftness estimator B2, Krashen, Long and Scarcella cited by Krashen ( 1982:43) take center generalizing following based on result of its(the research: ( 1) Adult runs rings round from at children in going beyond step early development of its(the B2; ( 2) with time and the same exposure, older chlid passed quicker language acquisition process from at child which more young; and ( 3) have starting natural exposure to B2 during children in general reaches deftness of better B2 from at starting his(its natural exposure as a adult.
Level of acculturation the study to group of target language will control level of its(the language acquisition. According To Schumann elaborated by Larsen-Free man ( in Bailey, Long & Peck ( editor), 1983), the acculturation covers two group of factor: social variable and affective variable.
A few differing from Krashen, Titone ( in Alatis, Altman, and Alatis ( editor), 1981:74—75) anticipates that motivation, language talent, and number of time used in learning language is three factors that is most uppermost giving characteristic at study B2.
The above is true, teaching context of BIPA reach would to related matters like availability of study area support from which will give composition which will be studied, teacher with deftness of adequate Indonesian, student with all its(the characteristics, and teaching method which its(the effectiveness would hardly base on all factors mentioned former. Altogether interaction will in making activity of teaching and learning BIPA to become really worked/successfully.
Teaching Phenomenon BIPA
There is various problems related to bargain BIPA in various states. In Australian, like the one is said [by] Sarumpaet ( 1988), typical resistance to development of BIPA is " lack of vacancy or [position/occupation] for those with deftness in BI." In Korea, according to Young-Rhim ( 1988), " other resistance which we felt only about Lesson matter." In United States, problem quality of Lesson still must be strived its(the resolving, as phrased by Sumarmo ( 1988). In Germany, because enthusiasm studies language and culture of increasing Indonesia, effort need to be done " through improvement of writing and bookmaking about Indonesia either in foreign language and also in Indonesian" ( Soedijarto, 1988). In teacher Japan BIPA " requires complete dictionary, especially dictionary which complete with example of usage of quite a lot word" ( Shigeru, 1988).
In answering to requirement would availability of linguistic input in teaching context of this BIPA, need to be observed various factors: For example, there are some input characteristic that the input can be obtained quickly in language acquisition context. Literate of the input for example determined with characteristic: understanding/understand, liking and/or relevance, random gramatic, and adequate amount ( Krashen, 1982:62-73).
Characteristic understanding can be observed from development of acquirement of B2 or language is not familiar through? via material which cannot be comprehended. Characteristic like and/or relevance is expected can push the having to focus attention at contents of compared to at form. Relevant and interesting input is expected can create condition at the having in such a manner so that s(he " forgets" that what medium of reception of produced in second language or strangers(foreigners. In situation of learning teachs in this characteristic class difficult to be fulfilled, because binding of time and compulsion covers material which ammy has in syllabus. In the case of characteristic random gramatis, to center that where the input comprehended and meant negotiation success, input language by Krashen as i+1 would automatically present.
In discussing teaching and language study, area, in understanding " everything the language learner hears and as ices indium the new language," ( Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, 1982:13), be thing of vital importance in relation to success of study of the language. Macro environmental factor covers ( 1) natural of language heard; ( 2) role the study in communications; ( 3) availibility of concreete reference to explain meaning; and ( 4) who is target language model ( Dulay, Burt and Krashen, 1982:14). While micro environmental factor include;covers ( 1) uppermost ( salience), that is his(its easy to a structure for look or heard; ( 2) feedback, that is hearer comments or reader to speech or article the studier; and ( 3) frequency, that is frequently the studier hears or sees certain structure ( Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, 1982:32).
With reference to micro environmental factor, first is uppermost ( salience). This uppermost refers to amenity a structure seen or heard. He is distinguishing is certain which seems to make an item visually or auditor is more uppermostly from at other. Second micro environmental factor is feedback. One of feedback type is correction, the other is approval or positive feed back.
Micro environmental factor that is third is frequency assumed as factor influential to language acquisition. More and more many the studier hears a structure, more and more quickly acquirement process of the structure. But other research simply result egg has different ( Dulay, Burt, Krashen, 1982:32—37).
Input marking in teaching of this BIPA is including itself input in the form of teaching and learning material has made available is quite a lot if teacher BIPA come will to and from through?via various the medias. One of among media which will assist expansion of teaching material and contribution will at improvement effort is having language that is technology media, especially internet.
Exploiting of Technological Media
These days, an education institute without equipped [by] internet network will lose his own dynamics. In smaller its extent, seems to have started it is be prepared that an academician without plopping down to internet ocean, will create blankness cavity which many in the field of his(its each. Internet network for a scientist can function as a real information warehouse its(the reportage wide. In the relation with education expansion, internet can function either as source of material and also as understanding framework ordered and skeletal thought for educative education and also participant itself.
Access internet to become easier these days of course with a note of the access has domination of foreign language would. Access feeder becomes is more always. In town Bandung only, there are some internet access feeder choices, like netura, sidola, melsa, pos-giro, and ibm. One of among the application of internet standard is the more knowledgeable world wide web with abbreviation www. This network is database distribution which in it contains information with various reportage areas. Even journals also having mother the numbers can be accessed through this network.
In everyday mention of we hear the word e-mail, which is abbreviation of electronic mail. This term Indonesianizeed to become electronic mail, possibly good if I mentioned just of ratnik. Now address ratnik owned by someone has become sophisticated marker of people.
By using this ratnik, one can receives and replies or sends handing out directly without having to go to post of fice. a student earned in direct corollation to unlimited by space distance and also difference of time to its(the lecturer or counsellor. this very efficient and effective Ratnik. During brief, if(when consignee opens its(the internet, letter we have up to complete. Expense of its(the delivery becomes very cheap. a long letter will change over to provider from man computer which will receive the letter only in just a few seconds, although people resides in back of this hemisphere. Expense of our delivery are very cheap because will only be equivalent with usage of local phonecall a few seconds only, nonchalant to part of world such we send the letter. Even by using application like telnet we can communicate in writing with man who is having access to internet anywhere in this world.
By exploiting various the applications in internet network, various education efforts earns more improved. Education program bargain, library usage, access to encyclopedia, exploration of publication, and scientific journal scanning is easy go thing through the internet that.
Even Indonesian teacher for foreign tell using can various sources about Indonesia and area through newspaper or magazine which can be accessed freely is various homepage, like magazine Tempo, newspaper Republics and Kompas. Obtainable other material passed access to various institutes which has peeped out information and its(the product in internet network.
All source of information which can be accessed that gives opportunity for creative teacher to create new way in presenting Lesson material. From there also can be done election effort of main material and also complement material for school activity. Even by the way of separate, teachers can take certain material with printing it as component of which can be modified activity usage of its(the teaching and learning.
APBIPA which for a while there is at or tries inter alia is entering various situs BIPA which soon earns reached by the member of his(its. There is material substansial which able to be accessed either by teacher and also by studier BIPA through the internet. For example, SEASITE which can be accessed through?via to provide practice interactive, reading text with dictionary facility and question of double helix. There is also part of conversation for understanding of mimicry and the relation of to source of news and Indonesia culture art. Teacher and studier BIPA earns also obtains teaching of structure and pronunciation with traditional format there is in hal Learn Indonesian indium Seven Days in: developed based on sebuak booklet so that has not included interactivity but enough good for refreshing knowledge.
For learning BIPA which lacking of idea, can obtain help from teaching planning structure to create duty interactive in surfing the news! in
AFMLTA/RESGIDEOHTM, an image of class collaborative duration 5 week developed based on study to on-line Indonesia newspapers as component of idea which can be applied for expansion of class. In it is also 10 Lesson plans based on study to volcano in Indonesia.
To complement activity material of teaching and learning BIPA we can access various material and information through?via windows Indonesia in and Academic Internet Resources Indonesia on, The University of Auckland in
Study of BIPA requires multifarious effort, as does study of other foreign language. Various variables partakes involving in striving makes study of success BIPA carefully. If(when we will choose key variable from so much the variable, choice will fall at teacher variable. Teacher BIPA good will become model for its(the pupils. Good teacher will cope exploits all the facilities and opportunity in making activity of its(the teaching and learning is successfully usage. Including in striving this is willingness of teacher BIPA to exploit various Indonesian inputs from various technology medias, especially internet. With that, lacking of material and Indonesian model will be overcome.
Free Market Era? Do you scary with this ?
Has made ready we to face free market era with condition of stable has not economics, emulation of job(activity world that is increasingly stringency. Meanwhile we still confusing standing where must by having which we have. Job(activity area like is matching with our ability.
So Coeval invites friends to comprehend :
Studies about who is our x'self, our weakness and excess. How to assessment of people to our x'self. Job(activity opportunity like what which open made us.
X'self Potency
If x'self concept have been correctness, means x'self potency can emerge. This x'self potency will be pointed where to go? And job(activity areas which how, is fitting in with potency which we to have.
How big motivation which we have in entering job(activity world. Lets steadier us of optimism en to come up professional.
Personality has OK ! But how ably which we have?. Of course , every day we also communicates, but does communications which we do have been effective as according to job(activity world demand. Remembers, free market era has before very eyes, has made ready we to face it. So lets be lost not and remain to in luck, Coeval offers learning togheter about :
Communications Base Principle
Components any kind of , what required lets communications can be effective of so people may directly understand by what we are intention.
Enquires and Hears
Actually more effectively such listens or enquires in communications, especially in interviewing or interview.
Communications Non Verbal
Enough not communications in target only, instead impression of non the verbal assures and more assuring.
If personality and communication its(the skill have been matured remained how its(the correct technical. Want knows his its technical how to lets success in competing in job(activity world and exit as winner.
So Coeval invites friends to comprehend :
Studies about who is our x'self, our weakness and excess. How to assessment of people to our x'self. Job(activity opportunity like what which open made us.
X'self Potency
If x'self concept have been correctness, means x'self potency can emerge. This x'self potency will be pointed where to go? And job(activity areas which how, is fitting in with potency which we to have.
How big motivation which we have in entering job(activity world. Lets steadier us of optimism en to come up professional.
Personality has OK ! But how ably which we have?. Of course , every day we also communicates, but does communications which we do have been effective as according to job(activity world demand. Remembers, free market era has before very eyes, has made ready we to face it. So lets be lost not and remain to in luck, Coeval offers learning togheter about :
Communications Base Principle
Components any kind of , what required lets communications can be effective of so people may directly understand by what we are intention.
Enquires and Hears
Actually more effectively such listens or enquires in communications, especially in interviewing or interview.
Communications Non Verbal
Enough not communications in target only, instead impression of non the verbal assures and more assuring.
If personality and communication its(the skill have been matured remained how its(the correct technical. Want knows his its technical how to lets success in competing in job(activity world and exit as winner.
What Reaching For Work Hungered for ?
Even has having career in one places, not a few people -- including you are maybe-is still always looks for profession is presumably compatible and pleases for x'self. Enunciated, of course not delicious if works with feeling of need is not?
So, for they which still hungering for craving work, likely may also if following some tips following. Of course this tips will succeed in line with how far you to try.
1. Takes a leaf of zero paper. Then writes big title, ' My Dream Job'-lah, or ' Work of Favorite Me ' also may. Then, below(under the title writes characteristic tic sequentially list from work type which you envisions the, including challenge and new thing any kind of later which you will reach for.
2. After completed writing down ' job description', read again the several to assure yourself x'self what is the actually most importantly for you. For example just of you so likes relating to many people compared to must work alone. Then, checks over and narrows number of work characteristic tics which you wis hs, for example out of 10 becoming five just characteristic tics really later makes you is having happiness.
3. Refers to work does you hunger for, doesn't be awaiting is finite there are advertisement of vacancy in other newspaper or media. So why not you makes letter the application of complete with its(the CV. And remembers, simply not a few mans that is successfully gets work either without through advertisement of vacancy all.
4. As one who has is experienced, tries creative the your resume to as creative and draw possibly. Of course doesn't forget to sell yourself by writing down all excesses and skilled more which you have.
5. Be confidence with work craved the high when you really getting answer from company which you [go]s to that, you really has made ready. This thing very assists you are at the time of experiencing interview in the company. Remembers during interview, labours to discuss ability any kind of which you have.
On the contrary, also you doesn't feel hesitating asks any kind of presumably which you able to do in the company. This thing is important to assure yourself that simply you has got company which able to esteem your talent.
So, for they which still hungering for craving work, likely may also if following some tips following. Of course this tips will succeed in line with how far you to try.
1. Takes a leaf of zero paper. Then writes big title, ' My Dream Job'-lah, or ' Work of Favorite Me ' also may. Then, below(under the title writes characteristic tic sequentially list from work type which you envisions the, including challenge and new thing any kind of later which you will reach for.
2. After completed writing down ' job description', read again the several to assure yourself x'self what is the actually most importantly for you. For example just of you so likes relating to many people compared to must work alone. Then, checks over and narrows number of work characteristic tics which you wis hs, for example out of 10 becoming five just characteristic tics really later makes you is having happiness.
3. Refers to work does you hunger for, doesn't be awaiting is finite there are advertisement of vacancy in other newspaper or media. So why not you makes letter the application of complete with its(the CV. And remembers, simply not a few mans that is successfully gets work either without through advertisement of vacancy all.
4. As one who has is experienced, tries creative the your resume to as creative and draw possibly. Of course doesn't forget to sell yourself by writing down all excesses and skilled more which you have.
5. Be confidence with work craved the high when you really getting answer from company which you [go]s to that, you really has made ready. This thing very assists you are at the time of experiencing interview in the company. Remembers during interview, labours to discuss ability any kind of which you have.
On the contrary, also you doesn't feel hesitating asks any kind of presumably which you able to do in the company. This thing is important to assure yourself that simply you has got company which able to esteem your talent.
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My Personal Online Library
As good as internet era with Its(the world wide web starts reach at mid of a decay 90-an, Netscape Communications, a company that is initialy only viewed " happier" in Silicon Valley, notes extraorinnary success with sale Netscape Navigator, a product software browser that is most popular in that period. During the year 1995, the company successfully books advantage equal to US$ 81 million. a fanciful number for measure an industry software. August 1995, Nescape registers x'self in stock market and success of meraup finite capital of US$ 2 billion of the aim share blue-chip. The year 1996, Rise netscape becomes a company that respected with around 2000 stafves with net profit total equal to US$ 21 million of level of sale equal to US$ 346 million. An increase equal to 304% from year before all. Unbelievably!
Luck star of Netscape starts is gloomy when Microsoft to set mind on browser bundle Microsoft Internet Explorer ( IE) 30 at OS Windows 95b which then soon is caught up with IE 40 at Windows 98. Practical of market share Netscape Navigator which initially reaches finite of 90% from all browser product in marketing declines piercingly. This thing can be tolerated, because available IE freely in package OS made in Microsoft whereas Netscape Navigator that moment is commercial software of which must be bought to be able to be applied legally. Its(the back parts, the price of share Nescape his(its half finite breakout. Still hoping to lead in emulation, Netscape finally sets mind on free of its(the browser product. Darling, the action not many helping is finite finally the company bought by American On Line ( AOL).
A kind of this story is small example from things which lumrah happened in business world IT. This is business yielinng at most milyuner in a relatively short time, but also quickest; fastest changed along with new innovations appearance.
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Visit statistic watcher tide in this web, all sweetens appearance in menu left side. In the case of repair of appearance like this, PHP really hardly helps :).
Actually this sites I do not promote everywhere besides once in a while its(the address I figure in in signature in posting to email paper and in-link from some sites external. Some yards also I register in directory SearchIndonesia. Yesterday I tried investigating hits from there, and simply result of his(its is really is outside estimation. From 5 yard which I register, collection of Anthem lyric simply occupies first sequence with 68 hits! Though initialy -- like the one my write insana-I actually not the yard be sure enough interesting to be visited. In second sequence is yard Dictionary In Astronomy with 45 Hits. Inrectory Sites Indonesia to occupy the next sequence with 41 hits, whereas yard Astronomi proposes with 33 hits [ Hey! Something send value " 8" for this yard :)]. What is humorous, main yard exactly occupies place very bontot with only 11 hits since enlisted date of 15 Mays then : D.
Meanwhile, finite now guest book entry altogether still containing comment about note of in this yards ( two of three remark entries about music). His(its inscrutable, consignor message for webmaster badly predominated by woman which in introducing section ).
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How much/many advantage gotten by Karlheinz Brandenburg from format MP3 its(the fininng? Not many. Besides royalty that is the numbers not how for resident measure in developed countries, we can say the invention doesn't yield something for him(her. Switchings gets big name as inventor a revolutionary technology, s(he badly accused by world music industry as rampant ringleader of piracy of music record making millions of Dolar cancelation to stream into their money.
Linus Torvalds first time develops Linux when student still in university Helsinki, Finlanina. Whose thinking, his creation that now attached at hundreds of thousand servers which spread over in the world. Not Less Than Microsoft, industrial giant of software, create of jump because loss some of its(the market shares. Anyway Linux is not thing can make its(the inventor becomes rich.
Honestly only, figure like Brandenburg or Torvalds often make I am inspiration. They are having masterpiece solely for the shake of idealism, be not for big money or name. But likely people type a kind of they would be more are met in advance nations, where requirement of fundamental [shall] no longer become problem for most of its(the resident. In state a kind of Indonesia, where many people only can finance need of plus primary a few requirement of secondary from source of its the maintenance, likely every innovation as small as any will be viewed as business opportunity which should be able to yield money!
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The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle
of true science. He who knows it is note, and can no longer
wonder, no longer feel amazement, is ace good ace dead.
We all bound this priceless talent when we were young.
But ace time goes by, many of us loge it. The true scientist
never loses the faculty of amazement. It is the essence
of his is being.
- Hans Selye ( 1907-1982)
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What the taste is experiences overload information? Some of we are sure have ever experienced it, especially at some times ago, when epidemic meinum politics euphoria in fatherland. Whose that moment between Indonesia public?people that is voluble not the problem of politics?
Unhappily the moment only yields people who only can act in backtalk without its the implemented can in practical level. And his(its out of luck, they which then gets opportunity to act directly in field likely should be able to receive reality that implementing what so called the reform not easy to yell it in road. No wonder if now public?people have been returned to become skeptic, even apathetic to development politic in this state.
That moment mass meina mission to give political education to public ( despite of other factor also stands - liberty of the press euphoria, for example) cusorily seen to be reached. But practically, way to the information current only yields silver-tongued people who, and jump high a number of names emerging to upper as " politics observer", enough with capital some breaks analyzed to situation that underway which then is developed again by the journalists and day after will be printed as big news in the front page newspaper.
Whereas its(the readers will emerge as instant politics observer which " scream" in coffee booths, student senate meeting, or in offices ( when is meinum less workly because silent of order).
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Mars is resiinng in at instance 67 million kms from earth, point closest with Bumi since 1988. Not many which I can observe without telescope from here, but likely of course correct if this was most very bright object in the sky night after moon and Venus, even bolder from Sirius ( likely is the existing is being in position that is not enables for look).
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Still speaking about music. Have ever heard Piano Concerto No. 1 from Tchaikovsky? His(its original composition is recognized as " intricate name" 1st mov. Allegro non Troppo e this Molto Maestoso approximant length 23 minutes. For hearer which accustomed to poor concert, possibly able to enjoy this composition, especially in part initially. But that applied at first part five minutes only, then very possibly will felt drags on.
Richard Clayderman organization is this composition becomes a repertoir which length only around four minutes with loaning most beautiful parts from there. Result of his(its is composition which is classic having nuance permanent, but relative easier to be enjoyed.
Stiff classic music character rather than doesn't give space for existence of improvisation and or interpretation which is infferent compared to original masterpiece. Nevertheless, improvisation remain to be right of property from aranger, non player. Handcufves player freedom? Not, because they play at auinence, be not for their/his self.
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I have time to the role of when listening one of repertoir between some composition of masterpiece Beethoven which is just I get. Repertoir, " Coriolan, op. 62", in some part of his(its are the taste is enough intimates in my ear. Not wrong again, this looks like part of opener at song " As of clump Pain", a which is enough I recognized since I child still formerly.
This is song which I intend that:
As of paddy clump in the middle of rice field
Green turns yellow its(the leaf
Grows in muddy full rice field
In Native country lap
As of holy soul clump
Its(the life endless insult
As of promissory paddy clump
Nation mother hope
Not, I don't wish to speak the problem of plagiarizing here. Resemblance which I met that is possible only coincidently, or even so happened imitation of melody, that at the most ten notes! Here I only simply wishing having nostalgia with my beautiful tender age in a countryside in Denpasar, Bali.
I remember correct, when first time stuines song to when sitting in class III Sekolah base ( SD NO. 14 As of devil, Denpasar). My school its(the situation right accross middle extent of rice field ( when last I visit it, its(the location still in the form of rice field, but in vinicity have been more crowdedly and roadway there have been paved and widened). Each time I hear song is upper, my memory return to floats to areal rice field around school, to mother learned formerly teachs this song ( last I meet him(her in common vehicle when I sit in class 1 SMA, but its(the surprise he(she still recognizing me and is beforehand), as well as to friends during the SD formerly partly level I have never met again ( a woman friend who is chummy with time me SD formerly recently phone me after stripper is not be each other contact. He simply has had one chlids! Likely quickly correct elapsed time).
However I properly thanks goodness finishs tender age in countryside, middle milieu that is simple ( some my friends at that time, even television family they don't had). Possibly if I enlarged in infferent conintion, my life road(street and personality am possible also would inffer from now. Yeah, it all it is of course something arranges ...
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Fads makes article about Asteroid for room filler Astronomy in this web.
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Version download Electronic from Intisar edition January 2001 ( no time nyari eintion printed it to link at that time again vacation out town). Finally have time to also misreads one last articles from package Slamet Soeseno which closed of the eom age also. I am be including feeling hardly losing to its(the return he(she. Every this magazine up to my hand, his articles -- is having ininviduality: Delicious is read, coltish, but doesn't lose element ilmiahnya-that is including which is first I am read.
Magazine like this Intisar of course pertained scarce goods in fatherland, as does writer popular like package Slamet Soeseno which also very rare. Kernel of course non scientific pure magazine. Between its(the pages, we able to meet with light articles, article human interest, even story from world clinic and mystique! But for Indonesia meina measure fulfilled by political outcry and gossip celebrities, likely existence of this magazine have been hardly helps ( FYI, this be one the Indonesia derivative meinas which I read still regularly).
Likely still infficult to imagine there are scientific magazine of which is serious a kind of Scientific American or a kind of his(its in fatherland. Of course conintion of our public are the existing still have not enabled for existence of party(side which dare to invest in a kind of this meina. But for a while possible portal is having tech news enough assisting ( although from the angle of appearance a few, rather plus seldom be updated).
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" Star" rust colored very bright of squeezing which looked to be in southeast ( is yeah its(the Indonesian), around compatible of Scorpius simply is Mars planet is being in opposition with earth! I am new known after have time to read Skyline eintion the current week. Ahh ... if I have telescope ...
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Yesterday my fads am download updated driver for internal modem Motorola SM56 attached in my PC. His(its out of luck, when driver ininstall, precisely a few moments after bar advances " Updating PnP Peripheral Database" ( or s'thing like that), PC inrect hang! Tried again is repeated its(the installation procedure. Hang again in the same point. My modem losen, then all my driver am delete. Computer is restarted then is killed. Modem is reset, tried install driver again, eeh, still failing also.
Hopelessly finally I am reinstall driver which stripper version. Can. But when modem is used, badly happened crash. Devils having devils, seemingly there are conflict with driver VGA. Driver VGA re- ininstall, still intruinng also. Steps into save mode, driver VGA is vanished, then steps into modus VGA standard ( 256 colors), then is tried connect to Internet. Crash again. ah, why this? The result activity of my computer all day long this annoyed because of the elites in CPU>Central Processing Unit at having conflict. Regrets? Explains, because normal have been level till now finally must be mussy just because there is business " renewal".
Last strike perforced to be released. my PnP BIOS set to conintion of default, all driver, either VGA and also Modem vanished and then re- ininstall. Of course, for my modem use driver which stripper version.
Finally system runs is normal again. Have been satisfying? Has not! Any way, likely something is not complete if still using driver which stripper version. But ratio also finally spoke. Needed time which is not a few for utak-atic of system, and many works which must delay hence. So, for a while I must enough satisfying with the existing conintion. Driver new version I still kept, bes awaiting there are enough leeway to " struggle" its installed.
But ... hmmm ... driver SM56 for Linux have been available of this. stripper want to online use via Linux. Attached is nothing or … ? : p
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Q: What a infference between Beethoven and Indonesian politics?
A: Beethoven make music. Indonesian politics make me sick!
Heard his its is sarkastic yeah? But such there are again expression which softer than this apart from silent only?
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NameZero my letter, he/she said domain which I enlisted freely one year then that in-renew must with reward $1995. If account is not in-renew until beginning of this June, the domain will be sold in second market with minimum price of $50. Bright also their strategy :)
But likely domain graifhannet is not too valuable also. I am free account list with username " graifhan" in service which overload has is even a, kinds of Hotmail or Yahoo ( where if assign username uses name of original has on the verge of not possibly) also can always. I formerly enlisted in NameZero also only simply fad, so its the account is also not I have ever used. But darling also likely if name x'self is sold expensive, temporary having name of but I having something not from there. Oh, the silly world of cyberspace :(
It's the circle of life,
and it moves us all
through despair and hope,
through faith and love,
' til we find our place
on the path unwininng
Circle of Life, from animation Insney, The Lion King.
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Inffers From Java in illusory world is being going up leaf, in real world likely Java Isle Java alias is being in conintion of on the contrary.
In tip of island west which has oppressed accommodates more than 100 million residents is, the politicians is being engrossing scrambling of influence busy gossip releases its(the strikes, easternmost temporary, small public?people which frustration sees its the idol figure is in act to ingusur from first one chair in this country finally risks performs event of burnings. Name of this island finally more and more famous just in various world angles. But darling, compared to Java in world IT impressing a sophisticated and era progress, hence statelier this Java as a lag at the same time joke ( or if will use " language" IT, while the programmers SUN tries develop Java as programming language that is in character cross platform, in Java isle, its(the people still at my business with blind fanatics to each platform - compatible not yeah this analogy? ; P).
Hey, I am write this do not mean I good in say politics! If I had interest about a world of one was, hence sure in segment Interest I would provided yard to contain info Indonesia politics, complete with inscrutable terms inctionary often is used a kind " memorandum", " amendment", or acronym like SI, MPR, Parliament, ... err... what else yeah? Likely exchequer of words my politics only shifts in just situ-situ of ;).
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Physics Learning with Britney Spears? Why is note?. But unhappily I unable to recognize as Britney Spears, probably because my ear appetite which rather infferent with rank and file :).
Don't know is intended or no, through?via famous artist or film sometimes civil public enthusiasm to side draws from science can be awakened. Jurassic Film Park generates want to know many people about Innosaurus which its(the back parts they try looks for literature about this ancient is being and or visits museum-musem having collection of its(the fossil. In Indonesia, film success " Adventure Sherina" finally instead makes is busy the side of Observatorium Bosscha in serving incursion from the visitors small. rather Odd, remembers since still sitting in the existing finite SMU bench of I have been several times pays a visit there and the taste is very rare met with children, except once in a while high school student group paying a visit with sent its(the teacher. This builinng profile and what done by people in it is sudden sontak many commented in popular mass meina ( rather than in scientific journal). The staff in Bosscha also likely can " exploits" this situation. Sigh about its(the drag defrayal for keeping of its(the builinng and equipments is finite is problem of pollution of light around observatory able to be heard by common public passed mass meina ( after possible formerly they have time to indn't know must " bellies ache" where).
Of course there are big infference between sides human interest with side that is actually from science world. For amateur astronomer, stares at the stars in the sky or gratifies want to know through? via popular scientific literature likely of course far more besottedly than me with formulas physic Quantum or does research and data analysis as have done astronomer certainly. So do studying computer science -- to all computer maniac one of this is not at all like build up hardware and software. More than anything else if compared to be his(its besotted plays at game or browsing web in internet.
I am be incluinng hoping many of efforts to inculcate science love would be circle wide public in this country. However, honestly only, likely still neeinng stripper time to change appetite most our public which during the time has have come too far unintentionally " program" by mass meina with political gossip and also gossip celebrities to a few peeping at to things related to science. Though, its(the supposing plays card, these days science is one of a few trumps that is we able to apply. Other cards like " card" political or economic, the taste is ready made death card. Hopeless!
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After apparition Java, likely usage of smelling names " kejawen" starts marak in world IT. After Gamelan which " ploughed" to name a sites loainng resource for programming Java, now emerges also JAMU ( Java Advanced Modeling Utility). Cusorily I pay attention to, robot enamel system from FreeFind is being based on Java also is named MERAK. This one don't know abbreviation from is. Unluckly naming this products also uses utak-atic science of gathuk which of course original from Java soil;land;ground :).
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My Personal Online Library
As good as internet era with Its(the world wide web starts reach at mid of a decay 90-an, Netscape Communications, a company that is initialy only viewed " happier" in Silicon Valley, notes extraorinnary success with sale Netscape Navigator, a product software browser that is most popular in that period. During the year 1995, the company successfully books advantage equal to US$ 81 million. a fanciful number for measure an industry software. August 1995, Nescape registers x'self in stock market and success of meraup finite capital of US$ 2 billion of the aim share blue-chip. The year 1996, Rise netscape becomes a company that respected with around 2000 stafves with net profit total equal to US$ 21 million of level of sale equal to US$ 346 million. An increase equal to 304% from year before all. Unbelievably!
Luck star of Netscape starts is gloomy when Microsoft to set mind on browser bundle Microsoft Internet Explorer ( IE) 30 at OS Windows 95b which then soon is caught up with IE 40 at Windows 98. Practical of market share Netscape Navigator which initially reaches finite of 90% from all browser product in marketing declines piercingly. This thing can be tolerated, because available IE freely in package OS made in Microsoft whereas Netscape Navigator that moment is commercial software of which must be bought to be able to be applied legally. Its(the back parts, the price of share Nescape his(its half finite breakout. Still hoping to lead in emulation, Netscape finally sets mind on free of its(the browser product. Darling, the action not many helping is finite finally the company bought by American On Line ( AOL).
A kind of this story is small example from things which lumrah happened in business world IT. This is business yielinng at most milyuner in a relatively short time, but also quickest; fastest changed along with new innovations appearance.
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Visit statistic watcher tide in this web, all sweetens appearance in menu left side. In the case of repair of appearance like this, PHP really hardly helps :).
Actually this sites I do not promote everywhere besides once in a while its(the address I figure in in signature in posting to email paper and in-link from some sites external. Some yards also I register in directory SearchIndonesia. Yesterday I tried investigating hits from there, and simply result of his(its is really is outside estimation. From 5 yard which I register, collection of Anthem lyric simply occupies first sequence with 68 hits! Though initialy -- like the one my write insana-I actually not the yard be sure enough interesting to be visited. In second sequence is yard Dictionary In Astronomy with 45 Hits. Inrectory Sites Indonesia to occupy the next sequence with 41 hits, whereas yard Astronomi proposes with 33 hits [ Hey! Something send value " 8" for this yard :)]. What is humorous, main yard exactly occupies place very bontot with only 11 hits since enlisted date of 15 Mays then : D.
Meanwhile, finite now guest book entry altogether still containing comment about note of in this yards ( two of three remark entries about music). His(its inscrutable, consignor message for webmaster badly predominated by woman which in introducing section ).
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How much/many advantage gotten by Karlheinz Brandenburg from format MP3 its(the fininng? Not many. Besides royalty that is the numbers not how for resident measure in developed countries, we can say the invention doesn't yield something for him(her. Switchings gets big name as inventor a revolutionary technology, s(he badly accused by world music industry as rampant ringleader of piracy of music record making millions of Dolar cancelation to stream into their money.
Linus Torvalds first time develops Linux when student still in university Helsinki, Finlanina. Whose thinking, his creation that now attached at hundreds of thousand servers which spread over in the world. Not Less Than Microsoft, industrial giant of software, create of jump because loss some of its(the market shares. Anyway Linux is not thing can make its(the inventor becomes rich.
Honestly only, figure like Brandenburg or Torvalds often make I am inspiration. They are having masterpiece solely for the shake of idealism, be not for big money or name. But likely people type a kind of they would be more are met in advance nations, where requirement of fundamental [shall] no longer become problem for most of its(the resident. In state a kind of Indonesia, where many people only can finance need of plus primary a few requirement of secondary from source of its the maintenance, likely every innovation as small as any will be viewed as business opportunity which should be able to yield money!
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The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle
of true science. He who knows it is note, and can no longer
wonder, no longer feel amazement, is ace good ace dead.
We all bound this priceless talent when we were young.
But ace time goes by, many of us loge it. The true scientist
never loses the faculty of amazement. It is the essence
of his is being.
- Hans Selye ( 1907-1982)
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What the taste is experiences overload information? Some of we are sure have ever experienced it, especially at some times ago, when epidemic meinum politics euphoria in fatherland. Whose that moment between Indonesia public?people that is voluble not the problem of politics?
Unhappily the moment only yields people who only can act in backtalk without its the implemented can in practical level. And his(its out of luck, they which then gets opportunity to act directly in field likely should be able to receive reality that implementing what so called the reform not easy to yell it in road. No wonder if now public?people have been returned to become skeptic, even apathetic to development politic in this state.
That moment mass meina mission to give political education to public ( despite of other factor also stands - liberty of the press euphoria, for example) cusorily seen to be reached. But practically, way to the information current only yields silver-tongued people who, and jump high a number of names emerging to upper as " politics observer", enough with capital some breaks analyzed to situation that underway which then is developed again by the journalists and day after will be printed as big news in the front page newspaper.
Whereas its(the readers will emerge as instant politics observer which " scream" in coffee booths, student senate meeting, or in offices ( when is meinum less workly because silent of order).
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Mars is resiinng in at instance 67 million kms from earth, point closest with Bumi since 1988. Not many which I can observe without telescope from here, but likely of course correct if this was most very bright object in the sky night after moon and Venus, even bolder from Sirius ( likely is the existing is being in position that is not enables for look).
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Still speaking about music. Have ever heard Piano Concerto No. 1 from Tchaikovsky? His(its original composition is recognized as " intricate name" 1st mov. Allegro non Troppo e this Molto Maestoso approximant length 23 minutes. For hearer which accustomed to poor concert, possibly able to enjoy this composition, especially in part initially. But that applied at first part five minutes only, then very possibly will felt drags on.
Richard Clayderman organization is this composition becomes a repertoir which length only around four minutes with loaning most beautiful parts from there. Result of his(its is composition which is classic having nuance permanent, but relative easier to be enjoyed.
Stiff classic music character rather than doesn't give space for existence of improvisation and or interpretation which is infferent compared to original masterpiece. Nevertheless, improvisation remain to be right of property from aranger, non player. Handcufves player freedom? Not, because they play at auinence, be not for their/his self.
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I have time to the role of when listening one of repertoir between some composition of masterpiece Beethoven which is just I get. Repertoir, " Coriolan, op. 62", in some part of his(its are the taste is enough intimates in my ear. Not wrong again, this looks like part of opener at song " As of clump Pain", a which is enough I recognized since I child still formerly.
This is song which I intend that:
As of paddy clump in the middle of rice field
Green turns yellow its(the leaf
Grows in muddy full rice field
In Native country lap
As of holy soul clump
Its(the life endless insult
As of promissory paddy clump
Nation mother hope
Not, I don't wish to speak the problem of plagiarizing here. Resemblance which I met that is possible only coincidently, or even so happened imitation of melody, that at the most ten notes! Here I only simply wishing having nostalgia with my beautiful tender age in a countryside in Denpasar, Bali.
I remember correct, when first time stuines song to when sitting in class III Sekolah base ( SD NO. 14 As of devil, Denpasar). My school its(the situation right accross middle extent of rice field ( when last I visit it, its(the location still in the form of rice field, but in vinicity have been more crowdedly and roadway there have been paved and widened). Each time I hear song is upper, my memory return to floats to areal rice field around school, to mother learned formerly teachs this song ( last I meet him(her in common vehicle when I sit in class 1 SMA, but its(the surprise he(she still recognizing me and is beforehand), as well as to friends during the SD formerly partly level I have never met again ( a woman friend who is chummy with time me SD formerly recently phone me after stripper is not be each other contact. He simply has had one chlids! Likely quickly correct elapsed time).
However I properly thanks goodness finishs tender age in countryside, middle milieu that is simple ( some my friends at that time, even television family they don't had). Possibly if I enlarged in infferent conintion, my life road(street and personality am possible also would inffer from now. Yeah, it all it is of course something arranges ...
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Fads makes article about Asteroid for room filler Astronomy in this web.
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Version download Electronic from Intisar edition January 2001 ( no time nyari eintion printed it to link at that time again vacation out town). Finally have time to also misreads one last articles from package Slamet Soeseno which closed of the eom age also. I am be including feeling hardly losing to its(the return he(she. Every this magazine up to my hand, his articles -- is having ininviduality: Delicious is read, coltish, but doesn't lose element ilmiahnya-that is including which is first I am read.
Magazine like this Intisar of course pertained scarce goods in fatherland, as does writer popular like package Slamet Soeseno which also very rare. Kernel of course non scientific pure magazine. Between its(the pages, we able to meet with light articles, article human interest, even story from world clinic and mystique! But for Indonesia meina measure fulfilled by political outcry and gossip celebrities, likely existence of this magazine have been hardly helps ( FYI, this be one the Indonesia derivative meinas which I read still regularly).
Likely still infficult to imagine there are scientific magazine of which is serious a kind of Scientific American or a kind of his(its in fatherland. Of course conintion of our public are the existing still have not enabled for existence of party(side which dare to invest in a kind of this meina. But for a while possible portal is having tech news enough assisting ( although from the angle of appearance a few, rather plus seldom be updated).
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" Star" rust colored very bright of squeezing which looked to be in southeast ( is yeah its(the Indonesian), around compatible of Scorpius simply is Mars planet is being in opposition with earth! I am new known after have time to read Skyline eintion the current week. Ahh ... if I have telescope ...
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Yesterday my fads am download updated driver for internal modem Motorola SM56 attached in my PC. His(its out of luck, when driver ininstall, precisely a few moments after bar advances " Updating PnP Peripheral Database" ( or s'thing like that), PC inrect hang! Tried again is repeated its(the installation procedure. Hang again in the same point. My modem losen, then all my driver am delete. Computer is restarted then is killed. Modem is reset, tried install driver again, eeh, still failing also.
Hopelessly finally I am reinstall driver which stripper version. Can. But when modem is used, badly happened crash. Devils having devils, seemingly there are conflict with driver VGA. Driver VGA re- ininstall, still intruinng also. Steps into save mode, driver VGA is vanished, then steps into modus VGA standard ( 256 colors), then is tried connect to Internet. Crash again. ah, why this? The result activity of my computer all day long this annoyed because of the elites in CPU>Central Processing Unit at having conflict. Regrets? Explains, because normal have been level till now finally must be mussy just because there is business " renewal".
Last strike perforced to be released. my PnP BIOS set to conintion of default, all driver, either VGA and also Modem vanished and then re- ininstall. Of course, for my modem use driver which stripper version.
Finally system runs is normal again. Have been satisfying? Has not! Any way, likely something is not complete if still using driver which stripper version. But ratio also finally spoke. Needed time which is not a few for utak-atic of system, and many works which must delay hence. So, for a while I must enough satisfying with the existing conintion. Driver new version I still kept, bes awaiting there are enough leeway to " struggle" its installed.
But ... hmmm ... driver SM56 for Linux have been available of this. stripper want to online use via Linux. Attached is nothing or … ? : p
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Q: What a infference between Beethoven and Indonesian politics?
A: Beethoven make music. Indonesian politics make me sick!
Heard his its is sarkastic yeah? But such there are again expression which softer than this apart from silent only?
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NameZero my letter, he/she said domain which I enlisted freely one year then that in-renew must with reward $1995. If account is not in-renew until beginning of this June, the domain will be sold in second market with minimum price of $50. Bright also their strategy :)
But likely domain graifhannet is not too valuable also. I am free account list with username " graifhan" in service which overload has is even a, kinds of Hotmail or Yahoo ( where if assign username uses name of original has on the verge of not possibly) also can always. I formerly enlisted in NameZero also only simply fad, so its the account is also not I have ever used. But darling also likely if name x'self is sold expensive, temporary having name of but I having something not from there. Oh, the silly world of cyberspace :(
It's the circle of life,
and it moves us all
through despair and hope,
through faith and love,
' til we find our place
on the path unwininng
Circle of Life, from animation Insney, The Lion King.
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Inffers From Java in illusory world is being going up leaf, in real world likely Java Isle Java alias is being in conintion of on the contrary.
In tip of island west which has oppressed accommodates more than 100 million residents is, the politicians is being engrossing scrambling of influence busy gossip releases its(the strikes, easternmost temporary, small public?people which frustration sees its the idol figure is in act to ingusur from first one chair in this country finally risks performs event of burnings. Name of this island finally more and more famous just in various world angles. But darling, compared to Java in world IT impressing a sophisticated and era progress, hence statelier this Java as a lag at the same time joke ( or if will use " language" IT, while the programmers SUN tries develop Java as programming language that is in character cross platform, in Java isle, its(the people still at my business with blind fanatics to each platform - compatible not yeah this analogy? ; P).
Hey, I am write this do not mean I good in say politics! If I had interest about a world of one was, hence sure in segment Interest I would provided yard to contain info Indonesia politics, complete with inscrutable terms inctionary often is used a kind " memorandum", " amendment", or acronym like SI, MPR, Parliament, ... err... what else yeah? Likely exchequer of words my politics only shifts in just situ-situ of ;).
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Physics Learning with Britney Spears? Why is note?. But unhappily I unable to recognize as Britney Spears, probably because my ear appetite which rather infferent with rank and file :).
Don't know is intended or no, through?via famous artist or film sometimes civil public enthusiasm to side draws from science can be awakened. Jurassic Film Park generates want to know many people about Innosaurus which its(the back parts they try looks for literature about this ancient is being and or visits museum-musem having collection of its(the fossil. In Indonesia, film success " Adventure Sherina" finally instead makes is busy the side of Observatorium Bosscha in serving incursion from the visitors small. rather Odd, remembers since still sitting in the existing finite SMU bench of I have been several times pays a visit there and the taste is very rare met with children, except once in a while high school student group paying a visit with sent its(the teacher. This builinng profile and what done by people in it is sudden sontak many commented in popular mass meina ( rather than in scientific journal). The staff in Bosscha also likely can " exploits" this situation. Sigh about its(the drag defrayal for keeping of its(the builinng and equipments is finite is problem of pollution of light around observatory able to be heard by common public passed mass meina ( after possible formerly they have time to indn't know must " bellies ache" where).
Of course there are big infference between sides human interest with side that is actually from science world. For amateur astronomer, stares at the stars in the sky or gratifies want to know through? via popular scientific literature likely of course far more besottedly than me with formulas physic Quantum or does research and data analysis as have done astronomer certainly. So do studying computer science -- to all computer maniac one of this is not at all like build up hardware and software. More than anything else if compared to be his(its besotted plays at game or browsing web in internet.
I am be incluinng hoping many of efforts to inculcate science love would be circle wide public in this country. However, honestly only, likely still neeinng stripper time to change appetite most our public which during the time has have come too far unintentionally " program" by mass meina with political gossip and also gossip celebrities to a few peeping at to things related to science. Though, its(the supposing plays card, these days science is one of a few trumps that is we able to apply. Other cards like " card" political or economic, the taste is ready made death card. Hopeless!
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After apparition Java, likely usage of smelling names " kejawen" starts marak in world IT. After Gamelan which " ploughed" to name a sites loainng resource for programming Java, now emerges also JAMU ( Java Advanced Modeling Utility). Cusorily I pay attention to, robot enamel system from FreeFind is being based on Java also is named MERAK. This one don't know abbreviation from is. Unluckly naming this products also uses utak-atic science of gathuk which of course original from Java soil;land;ground :).
Recognizes Child Computer
Recognizes your computer
Now computer had non odd thing again. This peripheral we can meet in houses. Computer consumer nor limited to adult. Age children TK until SD also uses it, although mostly only applied to play at ' gamete'. Condition of like this hardly to the advantage of education of child computer. Condition ' friendliness ' child of with computer peripheral can be made entrance to define computer in more precise. Child of invited to recognizes information technology, recognizes name and function of computer peripheral that is ordinary they play. Of course explanation given must as according to language child of matching with their age.
Some essential parts of computer which can start defined to child is:
Monitor is part of functioning computer presents data either in the form of picture and also article. Form of monitor looks like the television in house. Monitor measure also equal to television, something 14 inchs, 17 inchs and 21 inchs.
Unit System
Unit system is part and parcel of computer. Computer job activity process done in this unit system. In unit system there is functioning processor as " brain" computer. Most people calls this unit system with the title CPU>Central Processing Unit.
Keyboard or board types its form approximately equal mechanically types. Function of from keyboard to enter data which will be processed by unit system. The important knob in keyboard divided to become number knob ( 0-9), letter knob ( A-Z is added [by] punctuation mark), function key ( F1-F9), and public knob ( Enter, ESC, Alt, etcetera).
Same as its(the name, form of mouse also looks like " mouse". There is body ( which we are catch) and there are tail ( cable). Function of mouse is move " arrow sign" or called as also with " pointer". In general mouse equipped with 2 or 3 fruit of knob.
Part of functioning computer to release data in the form of voice. The existing computer usually is equipped with multimedia ability. One of ability of multimedia is computer can process voice data.
Printer is part of functioning computer to print data either in the form of article and also picture ( image). There is printer which only can yield black and white print and also there is can print color.
Sketch is supporting facilities for data store in computer. In general in physical of sketch divided to become two that is sketch ' small' ( 3,5 inchs) and sketch ' big' ( 5,25 inches). However in general ability of saved is sketch ' small ' exactly bigger compared to ability of saved is sketch ' big'.
Modem is supply of computer which is absolute needed to able to apply internet. Modem ' connects ' our computer with computer ' others ' through telephone cable network. Modem in physical of divided to become two namely external modem and internal of modem. External of modem generally is in the form of small box equipped with some indicator lamps and located in outside unit system. While internal of modem is in the form ' card ' and located in unit system.
Actually still many other computer peripherals of which possibly will be met child either in house and also in school. Again the role of old fellow hardly is required to be able to explain function from peripheral which they meet with understandable language of child, for example CD-ROM, joystick or gamepad, or hardisk.
Now computer had non odd thing again. This peripheral we can meet in houses. Computer consumer nor limited to adult. Age children TK until SD also uses it, although mostly only applied to play at ' gamete'. Condition of like this hardly to the advantage of education of child computer. Condition ' friendliness ' child of with computer peripheral can be made entrance to define computer in more precise. Child of invited to recognizes information technology, recognizes name and function of computer peripheral that is ordinary they play. Of course explanation given must as according to language child of matching with their age.
Some essential parts of computer which can start defined to child is:
Monitor is part of functioning computer presents data either in the form of picture and also article. Form of monitor looks like the television in house. Monitor measure also equal to television, something 14 inchs, 17 inchs and 21 inchs.
Unit System
Unit system is part and parcel of computer. Computer job activity process done in this unit system. In unit system there is functioning processor as " brain" computer. Most people calls this unit system with the title CPU>Central Processing Unit.
Keyboard or board types its form approximately equal mechanically types. Function of from keyboard to enter data which will be processed by unit system. The important knob in keyboard divided to become number knob ( 0-9), letter knob ( A-Z is added [by] punctuation mark), function key ( F1-F9), and public knob ( Enter, ESC, Alt, etcetera).
Same as its(the name, form of mouse also looks like " mouse". There is body ( which we are catch) and there are tail ( cable). Function of mouse is move " arrow sign" or called as also with " pointer". In general mouse equipped with 2 or 3 fruit of knob.
Part of functioning computer to release data in the form of voice. The existing computer usually is equipped with multimedia ability. One of ability of multimedia is computer can process voice data.
Printer is part of functioning computer to print data either in the form of article and also picture ( image). There is printer which only can yield black and white print and also there is can print color.
Sketch is supporting facilities for data store in computer. In general in physical of sketch divided to become two that is sketch ' small' ( 3,5 inchs) and sketch ' big' ( 5,25 inches). However in general ability of saved is sketch ' small ' exactly bigger compared to ability of saved is sketch ' big'.
Modem is supply of computer which is absolute needed to able to apply internet. Modem ' connects ' our computer with computer ' others ' through telephone cable network. Modem in physical of divided to become two namely external modem and internal of modem. External of modem generally is in the form of small box equipped with some indicator lamps and located in outside unit system. While internal of modem is in the form ' card ' and located in unit system.
Actually still many other computer peripherals of which possibly will be met child either in house and also in school. Again the role of old fellow hardly is required to be able to explain function from peripheral which they meet with understandable language of child, for example CD-ROM, joystick or gamepad, or hardisk.
Trick Having Craving Work
Now many workers that is dissatisfy with work which they have now. And or many mans who has not got work because they don't know how to be correct to get the work. There are some ways to interrogate the thing.
If you was looking for work, labours doesn't send too much letter of application to companys because worrying of if(when you called to interview its(the time would at the same. Would very good if(when you knows name of man who you [go]s to in the letter of application. Figures in also all information which you knows about company which you [go]s to. Doesn't easy to surender if letter of application which you sends not to get answer. Labours to phone the company ask about your job vacancy. If need to send e-mail to the company in continue.
If finally you successfully called to interview, hence you must prepare x'self as good as possibly. Draws up all information about area which you would elaborate in the company. Shows you initiative and assures the side of interviewer that you are eager beaver type which will learn. This thing will leave good impression. .
After the interview process doesn't forget renders thanks and sends the utterance through e-mail which able to in the form of small article. This thing will become value is more you creately.
For your start can start you career by becoming free worker in the company. Labours to do the work carefully and exceeds you job activity duty. That way there will be possible if you are required, you will be employed in the company.
Even so finally you are always change your work is really related to you superior and friend as of your job activity in place of you worked formerly. That way you soybean cake will if (there are) any good opportunity of which content you able to.
If you was looking for work, labours doesn't send too much letter of application to companys because worrying of if(when you called to interview its(the time would at the same. Would very good if(when you knows name of man who you [go]s to in the letter of application. Figures in also all information which you knows about company which you [go]s to. Doesn't easy to surender if letter of application which you sends not to get answer. Labours to phone the company ask about your job vacancy. If need to send e-mail to the company in continue.
If finally you successfully called to interview, hence you must prepare x'self as good as possibly. Draws up all information about area which you would elaborate in the company. Shows you initiative and assures the side of interviewer that you are eager beaver type which will learn. This thing will leave good impression. .
After the interview process doesn't forget renders thanks and sends the utterance through e-mail which able to in the form of small article. This thing will become value is more you creately.
For your start can start you career by becoming free worker in the company. Labours to do the work carefully and exceeds you job activity duty. That way there will be possible if you are required, you will be employed in the company.
Even so finally you are always change your work is really related to you superior and friend as of your job activity in place of you worked formerly. That way you soybean cake will if (there are) any good opportunity of which content you able to.
Looks For Job Activity Opportunity Through the internet
Lately job(activity searching through the internet increasingly popular. But, there are still also hard follows it. Enunciated, they is more possible trusts in conventional way, that is sending job vacancy through? via post or comes direct ( walk indium interview).
They choosing this way usually refuse to send job vacancy through the internet because worrying person data they known by public. Enunciated besides can be opened by company requiring labor, personal data in internet also able to be opened and read by others. Even might possibly happened abuse of personal data by people-people which irresponsible.
But, if knew job(activity searching rule of the game through the internet, the worry not necessarily was again. At least, worry of that can be minimization. Any kind of its the rule of the game?
- Select;chooses correct sites and responsible. Lets is not trapped, sites-sites is holding responsible usually mentions guarantee, condition, and rule that is clear for its the service user. this Sites-sites will guarantee secrecy of personal data and guarantees that entering person data will not be misused by people-people which irresponsible.
Doesn't be lazy reads rule sites. The rule read in detail. Is important for your security of data.
Till now there are some sites collecting cost to its the service consumer. Though in fact enters personal data to sites-sites is not necessarily be worn cost because releasing money is company requiring labor. Better, select;chooses sites which free of charge. Good when entering and renews data and also when you received by a company.
You can measure bonafidity a sites from list and company’s profile enlisting as job(activity searcher. More and more a sites mentions name of bonafide companies, hence increasingly bonafide sites. Sites which many loading bonafide company can become your choice in looking for job activity through the internet.
Before entering personal data for the agenda of applying for to a company in internet, you know that in front the corporate profiles. Observes is the company as according to image of company which you wishs.
They choosing this way usually refuse to send job vacancy through the internet because worrying person data they known by public. Enunciated besides can be opened by company requiring labor, personal data in internet also able to be opened and read by others. Even might possibly happened abuse of personal data by people-people which irresponsible.
But, if knew job(activity searching rule of the game through the internet, the worry not necessarily was again. At least, worry of that can be minimization. Any kind of its the rule of the game?
- Select;chooses correct sites and responsible. Lets is not trapped, sites-sites is holding responsible usually mentions guarantee, condition, and rule that is clear for its the service user. this Sites-sites will guarantee secrecy of personal data and guarantees that entering person data will not be misused by people-people which irresponsible.
Doesn't be lazy reads rule sites. The rule read in detail. Is important for your security of data.
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Before entering personal data for the agenda of applying for to a company in internet, you know that in front the corporate profiles. Observes is the company as according to image of company which you wishs.
This article is some of conclusion made by Kawan Mao Tse Tung in Kongres workers and all Tiongkok second carried out in January 1934 in Juikin, Province Kiangsi.
THERE IS two problems that is improperly paid attention by closed friends in discussion. About this, I assume require to be discussed here.
Problem that is first is mass subsistence problem.
Our core duty at these days is mobilization of wide mass that they have a share in action revolutionary to topple imperialist and Kuomintang ( KMT), extends revolution all country and dissipates exit imperialist from Tiongkok. Whose goods placing in the background to this core duty, s(he is not a good revolutionary worker. If closed friends we can evaluate the core duty clearly, and understands that any way revolution must be extended until keseluruh country, hence even little of we are not must disregard and places in the background to the problems importance of wide mass hitting home dirinja and The problems mass subsistence. Because revolutionary war is mass war, hence hanja by way of mobilization of mass and only by leaning x'self to mass, then the war can be implemented.
If we mobilization of public? people only to implement war, but not even a little implement other work, earns we to reach purpose of give in enemy ? Of course no. If we wish to reach victory, we must work more amount. For example: leads farmer in struggle of agrarian and allots soil; land; ground to them; heightens spirit [of] farmer in job(activity, to increasing agro product can; guarantees labor importance; builds co-operation; educates trading with outside area; breaks the problem of clothes, food, housing, ligneous everyday need of fire, rice, oil and salt, and the problem of health and marriage from mass. Briefly, we must pay attention to all subsistence problems of mass sehari2. If we pay attention to the problems and solving and fulfill keperluan2 mass, hence we will actually become mass subsistence organizer, and mass will actually focusing around [by] us and warmly contributes us. Kith, when said that, earns we are mobilization of mass to partake do in action revolutionary? Earned, surely earned.
Between workers we seen existence of kejadian2 like that way: they is hanja talks about area Tentera Merah and conveyor line, soil; land; ground tax imposer and obligation sales; but about other work, they don't discuss it as well as doesn't take confused, even they don't mind altogether that. For example, at one particular a period, the Government of Town Ting chow Hanja extends Tentera Merah and mobilization of conveyor line, but not even a little mind mass subsistence problem. problems from mass is town [by] Ting chow at the adult is run out of fire wood, salt piled up by finite capitalist of mass cannot buy it, some of masses doesn't have residence, lacking of rice and the price of expensive rice. This is problems se-hari2 from town public?people mass Ting chow, and they hardly hopes help we to break it. But The Government of Town Tingchow is not even a little discuss this hal2. Therefore, hence after performed [a] [by] new election in Kongres worker and farmer Tingchow city, more than by 100 proxies refuse to visit meeting and hereinafter meeting that cannot be carried out again; because in meeting which have been only talked about area Tentera Merah and mobilization of conveyor line, but subsistence of mass do not be minded. Therefore result of area Tentera Merah and result of mobilization of line takers very small.
This is one kinds of situation.
Kith, perhaps closed friends has read brochure about two byword countryside given to all you. Situation is two [by] the countryside is except. Red Ammy Area is countryside [by] Changkang [ 1] in Province Kiangsi and countryside [by] Tsaiki [ 2] in very super Province Fukien! Countryside Changkang, 80 of each 100 young mens and young woman and middle aged people entered to become Tentera Merah; countryside Tsaiki, 88 of each 100 has entered Tentera Merah. Sale of obliges many implementations: sedjumlah 4500 yuan obligation earns terdjual is countryside [by] Changkang which hanja have 1500 residents. Lain2 work also gets a real big result. Is this the reason ? With a few example only, this thing will be able to be understood. One semi room; chamber from home a poor farmer is countryside Changkang has is combustible; immediately government of countryside moves mass to raise money and gives help to it. Three runs out of food; government of countryside and Helping organization collects rice to give help to them. In year ago, threatened Changkang countryside of famine, government of countryside gives help to mass with membagi2kannja rice delivered from sub-province Kunglueh [ 3] which the length is more than 200 li [ 4] In countryside Tsaiki work said that is done excellently. the Government of countryside like this was seriously government of byword countryside.
Way of leading from pemerintah2 is very different with cara2 bureaucracy from the Government of Town Tingchow. We must study from city Changkang and Tsaiki, and opposes bureaucratic pemimpin2 like leader of town [by] Tingchow!
I submit to Congress very seriously, that we must pay attention to subsistence problems of mass circumstantially, from soil; land; ground problem and job(activity comes up with need problem se-hari2, ligneous of fire, rice, minjak and salt. Womankind wish to learn ploughs and hill; who asked how to study to ? Child wish to go to school; is public? people school have been build? Wood bridge front of that toed to be narrow; tight and people who runs possibly fall; is that not necessarily corrected ? Many people affected with skin and falls sick; action what we must thought? All subsistence problems of this mass must be packed into event of us, and we must perform [a] discussion, takes decision, walk and checking. We must act that mass to understand, that we represent their importance, and importance’s we are tightly related to their importance. Thereby, so that by virtue of this things, they understand higher level duty which we submit is revolutionary war duty, that they contribute revolution, extends revolution all country, receives exclamation of our politics and struggles to the last for revolution victory.
Mass in countryside Changkang says: " The communism Party is very good; s(he can thought of all our problems!" This is countryside byword worker Changkang, the esquire Changkang countryside workers! They is loved seriously by wide mass; exclamation they mobilization of war to have got support from wide mass. Wishs we to get support from mass? Do we want mass pours full its(the energy in struggle front? If we want it all, hence we ber-sama2 must with mass, moves mass activity, pays attention to mass importance, tried seriously for the sake of mass, solves problem production and mass subsistence, the problem of salts, rice, housing, clothes and problem copies; in few words, we must break all problems from mass. If we did that way, the wide mass surely contributes us, and looks into the revolution as its(the soul and as august pennon. If KMT groan Daerah Merah, hence the wide mass will fight against KMT furioslyly. This thing is we not necessarily suspected again; isn't it true " siege and eradication" enemy which ke-l, second, third and fourth that had seriously we are be killed?
Now KMT implements its(the citadel politics [ 5] by building " scale kura2" on a large scale. They think, that this kubu2 is steel fortress. Kith, does that betul2 steel fortress ? Not, correctness not even a little! Paid attention, at some thousand years ago, isn't it true fortress and kraton-kraton from feudal kings of that is enough strong? But once public? people stands up, crumples it all one after another. Tsar Russia is clan in command which most currishness is world, but when revolution of proletariat and farmer breaks, still [is] there any Tsar? Not exist. And fortress bajanja? Crumples. Kith, does steel fortress which certainly ? Mass, millions of mass contributing revolution obligingly. This then benar2 steel fortress which cannot be broken by strength anything, which do not be destroyable his(its. The contra - revolutionary will not can break us, but on the contrary we can break them. Having Berjuta2 mass to coalesce around revolutionary government, develop revolutionary war of we, hence thereby we can eradicate all the contra - revolutionary and can grab all Tiongkok.
Second problem is procedural problem worked.
We are revolutionary leader and war organizer, also is leader and mass subsistence organizer. organization of Revolutionary war and improve; repairs subsistence of mass is two our big duties. About operational problem here with pass once unfolding is fore part [by] us. Not only we must arise duty, but we also must break way of realize the duty. For example, duty we are wade river, but without bridge or boat we cannot wade it. If the problem of the indissoluble bridge or boat, hence discussing problem is wading the river is gossipy mere. If(when problem about indissoluble cara2, hence discussing duty that is mere backtalk. If we are heedless leader in extending Tentera Merah and doesn't study cara2 its(the area, though thousand times we are scream about " area Tentera Merah", but last we will not earn the goals.
In all work other, for example investigation of rice field, development of economics, culture and education, and works in new Daerah free and Borderland, if we only submit its(the duty, but getting the run around way of doing the work; if we didn't oppose way of working having the character of bureaucracy conversely uses practical way of working and concrete; if we didn't throw away command conversely uses ways works having the character of convinces patiently, hence all the duties will not can be realize it.
Kith in sub-province Hsinkuo has created best work, hence they are proper we praise as byword worker. Begthat friends part to be north-east of Province Kiangsi. They also has a real good creation; they also is byword worker. Kith in Hsinkuo and in north-east part of Kiangsi all can connect subsistence of mass with revolutionary war, and they earn ber-sama2 is solving operational problems and revolution duty. They do its(the work is very seriously, they are solving its(the problems is considerably careful; to revolution, very seriously they have doing duty it, and they are good revolutionary leader and war organizer, also leader and subsistence organizer of good mass. Apart from at that, also closed friends some of place as di-kabupaten2 Shanghang, Changting, Yungting etc. in Province Fukien; in Sikiang and others place of in Province Kiangsi Selatan; some of place of city of Tsaling, Yungsin, Becoming and others in Province Borderland Hunan and Province Kiangsi; some of place of sub-province [by] Yangsin in Oaerah Province-province Hunan, Hupeh and Kiangsi; in district and countryside in many sub-provinces in Province, Kiangsi, and added also with sub-province Juikin which directly stays under Central government leader has got many progresses in its(the work. They the proper of we praise.
All area which we to lead, without hesitating again there are a lot of active cadre and capable worker closed friend emerging from mass circle. The kith have an obligation, is must give help to areas which strength works it is weak and gives help to worker closed friends which still have not is clever, that they can finalize its(the work is carefully. At these days, we are facing fighting is revolutionary big. We will infiltrate " siege and eradication" enemy that is in besar2an, and broadens revolution to country wide. All revolutionary workers has a real big obligation. After This congress, we must improve;repair our work in the way of practical, areas which had gone forward have to be more be moved forward again, and situated behind areas must propose areas is going forward. We must make thousands of countryside like Changkang, by tens sub-province like Hsinkno. This is our sturdy bases. After we occupy the bases, hence from that we can groan exit and destroying " siege and eradication" enemy, and topples imperialist paintbrush and KMT is country wide.
[ 1] located Changkang Countryside is sub-province [by] Hsinkuo, Province Kiangsi.
[ 2] located Tsaiki Countryside is sub-province [by] Shanghang, Province Fukien.
[ 3] At the adult sub-province Kunglueh, with district Tungku ( located is southeast [by] sub-province Kian) as center, be one of sub-province in Daerah Merah Province Kiangsi. In October 1931, Closed Friend Huang Kungluch, Third Red Army Commander, has is killed as warrior is place [by] the, hence for tell there is build sub-province Kunglueh.
[ 4] One li is semi km. (Interpreter)
[ 5] In July 1933, in Conference Military in mount Lushan, Province Kiangsi, Chiang Kai-shek has taken decision to build kubu2 is around [by] area Merah. This decision made new military tactics to implement " siege and eradication" which ke-5. According to angka2 statistic, till end of month of Januarys 1934, in Province Kiangsi has been build 2900 fruit of citadel'. Then in action fights against Tentera Ke-8 and Tentera Ke-4 new in Tiongkok, the Japan aggression also applies Chiang Kai-shek citadel politics. According to public? people war strategy from Kawan Mao Tse-tung, citadel politics which destroyable contra - revolutionary and defeated entirely. This has been proved in full view of once by events in history.
THERE IS two problems that is improperly paid attention by closed friends in discussion. About this, I assume require to be discussed here.
Problem that is first is mass subsistence problem.
Our core duty at these days is mobilization of wide mass that they have a share in action revolutionary to topple imperialist and Kuomintang ( KMT), extends revolution all country and dissipates exit imperialist from Tiongkok. Whose goods placing in the background to this core duty, s(he is not a good revolutionary worker. If closed friends we can evaluate the core duty clearly, and understands that any way revolution must be extended until keseluruh country, hence even little of we are not must disregard and places in the background to the problems importance of wide mass hitting home dirinja and The problems mass subsistence. Because revolutionary war is mass war, hence hanja by way of mobilization of mass and only by leaning x'self to mass, then the war can be implemented.
If we mobilization of public? people only to implement war, but not even a little implement other work, earns we to reach purpose of give in enemy ? Of course no. If we wish to reach victory, we must work more amount. For example: leads farmer in struggle of agrarian and allots soil; land; ground to them; heightens spirit [of] farmer in job(activity, to increasing agro product can; guarantees labor importance; builds co-operation; educates trading with outside area; breaks the problem of clothes, food, housing, ligneous everyday need of fire, rice, oil and salt, and the problem of health and marriage from mass. Briefly, we must pay attention to all subsistence problems of mass sehari2. If we pay attention to the problems and solving and fulfill keperluan2 mass, hence we will actually become mass subsistence organizer, and mass will actually focusing around [by] us and warmly contributes us. Kith, when said that, earns we are mobilization of mass to partake do in action revolutionary? Earned, surely earned.
Between workers we seen existence of kejadian2 like that way: they is hanja talks about area Tentera Merah and conveyor line, soil; land; ground tax imposer and obligation sales; but about other work, they don't discuss it as well as doesn't take confused, even they don't mind altogether that. For example, at one particular a period, the Government of Town Ting chow Hanja extends Tentera Merah and mobilization of conveyor line, but not even a little mind mass subsistence problem. problems from mass is town [by] Ting chow at the adult is run out of fire wood, salt piled up by finite capitalist of mass cannot buy it, some of masses doesn't have residence, lacking of rice and the price of expensive rice. This is problems se-hari2 from town public?people mass Ting chow, and they hardly hopes help we to break it. But The Government of Town Tingchow is not even a little discuss this hal2. Therefore, hence after performed [a] [by] new election in Kongres worker and farmer Tingchow city, more than by 100 proxies refuse to visit meeting and hereinafter meeting that cannot be carried out again; because in meeting which have been only talked about area Tentera Merah and mobilization of conveyor line, but subsistence of mass do not be minded. Therefore result of area Tentera Merah and result of mobilization of line takers very small.
This is one kinds of situation.
Kith, perhaps closed friends has read brochure about two byword countryside given to all you. Situation is two [by] the countryside is except. Red Ammy Area is countryside [by] Changkang [ 1] in Province Kiangsi and countryside [by] Tsaiki [ 2] in very super Province Fukien! Countryside Changkang, 80 of each 100 young mens and young woman and middle aged people entered to become Tentera Merah; countryside Tsaiki, 88 of each 100 has entered Tentera Merah. Sale of obliges many implementations: sedjumlah 4500 yuan obligation earns terdjual is countryside [by] Changkang which hanja have 1500 residents. Lain2 work also gets a real big result. Is this the reason ? With a few example only, this thing will be able to be understood. One semi room; chamber from home a poor farmer is countryside Changkang has is combustible; immediately government of countryside moves mass to raise money and gives help to it. Three runs out of food; government of countryside and Helping organization collects rice to give help to them. In year ago, threatened Changkang countryside of famine, government of countryside gives help to mass with membagi2kannja rice delivered from sub-province Kunglueh [ 3] which the length is more than 200 li [ 4] In countryside Tsaiki work said that is done excellently. the Government of countryside like this was seriously government of byword countryside.
Way of leading from pemerintah2 is very different with cara2 bureaucracy from the Government of Town Tingchow. We must study from city Changkang and Tsaiki, and opposes bureaucratic pemimpin2 like leader of town [by] Tingchow!
I submit to Congress very seriously, that we must pay attention to subsistence problems of mass circumstantially, from soil; land; ground problem and job(activity comes up with need problem se-hari2, ligneous of fire, rice, minjak and salt. Womankind wish to learn ploughs and hill; who asked how to study to ? Child wish to go to school; is public? people school have been build? Wood bridge front of that toed to be narrow; tight and people who runs possibly fall; is that not necessarily corrected ? Many people affected with skin and falls sick; action what we must thought? All subsistence problems of this mass must be packed into event of us, and we must perform [a] discussion, takes decision, walk and checking. We must act that mass to understand, that we represent their importance, and importance’s we are tightly related to their importance. Thereby, so that by virtue of this things, they understand higher level duty which we submit is revolutionary war duty, that they contribute revolution, extends revolution all country, receives exclamation of our politics and struggles to the last for revolution victory.
Mass in countryside Changkang says: " The communism Party is very good; s(he can thought of all our problems!" This is countryside byword worker Changkang, the esquire Changkang countryside workers! They is loved seriously by wide mass; exclamation they mobilization of war to have got support from wide mass. Wishs we to get support from mass? Do we want mass pours full its(the energy in struggle front? If we want it all, hence we ber-sama2 must with mass, moves mass activity, pays attention to mass importance, tried seriously for the sake of mass, solves problem production and mass subsistence, the problem of salts, rice, housing, clothes and problem copies; in few words, we must break all problems from mass. If we did that way, the wide mass surely contributes us, and looks into the revolution as its(the soul and as august pennon. If KMT groan Daerah Merah, hence the wide mass will fight against KMT furioslyly. This thing is we not necessarily suspected again; isn't it true " siege and eradication" enemy which ke-l, second, third and fourth that had seriously we are be killed?
Now KMT implements its(the citadel politics [ 5] by building " scale kura2" on a large scale. They think, that this kubu2 is steel fortress. Kith, does that betul2 steel fortress ? Not, correctness not even a little! Paid attention, at some thousand years ago, isn't it true fortress and kraton-kraton from feudal kings of that is enough strong? But once public? people stands up, crumples it all one after another. Tsar Russia is clan in command which most currishness is world, but when revolution of proletariat and farmer breaks, still [is] there any Tsar? Not exist. And fortress bajanja? Crumples. Kith, does steel fortress which certainly ? Mass, millions of mass contributing revolution obligingly. This then benar2 steel fortress which cannot be broken by strength anything, which do not be destroyable his(its. The contra - revolutionary will not can break us, but on the contrary we can break them. Having Berjuta2 mass to coalesce around revolutionary government, develop revolutionary war of we, hence thereby we can eradicate all the contra - revolutionary and can grab all Tiongkok.
Second problem is procedural problem worked.
We are revolutionary leader and war organizer, also is leader and mass subsistence organizer. organization of Revolutionary war and improve; repairs subsistence of mass is two our big duties. About operational problem here with pass once unfolding is fore part [by] us. Not only we must arise duty, but we also must break way of realize the duty. For example, duty we are wade river, but without bridge or boat we cannot wade it. If the problem of the indissoluble bridge or boat, hence discussing problem is wading the river is gossipy mere. If(when problem about indissoluble cara2, hence discussing duty that is mere backtalk. If we are heedless leader in extending Tentera Merah and doesn't study cara2 its(the area, though thousand times we are scream about " area Tentera Merah", but last we will not earn the goals.
In all work other, for example investigation of rice field, development of economics, culture and education, and works in new Daerah free and Borderland, if we only submit its(the duty, but getting the run around way of doing the work; if we didn't oppose way of working having the character of bureaucracy conversely uses practical way of working and concrete; if we didn't throw away command conversely uses ways works having the character of convinces patiently, hence all the duties will not can be realize it.
Kith in sub-province Hsinkuo has created best work, hence they are proper we praise as byword worker. Begthat friends part to be north-east of Province Kiangsi. They also has a real good creation; they also is byword worker. Kith in Hsinkuo and in north-east part of Kiangsi all can connect subsistence of mass with revolutionary war, and they earn ber-sama2 is solving operational problems and revolution duty. They do its(the work is very seriously, they are solving its(the problems is considerably careful; to revolution, very seriously they have doing duty it, and they are good revolutionary leader and war organizer, also leader and subsistence organizer of good mass. Apart from at that, also closed friends some of place as di-kabupaten2 Shanghang, Changting, Yungting etc. in Province Fukien; in Sikiang and others place of in Province Kiangsi Selatan; some of place of city of Tsaling, Yungsin, Becoming and others in Province Borderland Hunan and Province Kiangsi; some of place of sub-province [by] Yangsin in Oaerah Province-province Hunan, Hupeh and Kiangsi; in district and countryside in many sub-provinces in Province, Kiangsi, and added also with sub-province Juikin which directly stays under Central government leader has got many progresses in its(the work. They the proper of we praise.
All area which we to lead, without hesitating again there are a lot of active cadre and capable worker closed friend emerging from mass circle. The kith have an obligation, is must give help to areas which strength works it is weak and gives help to worker closed friends which still have not is clever, that they can finalize its(the work is carefully. At these days, we are facing fighting is revolutionary big. We will infiltrate " siege and eradication" enemy that is in besar2an, and broadens revolution to country wide. All revolutionary workers has a real big obligation. After This congress, we must improve;repair our work in the way of practical, areas which had gone forward have to be more be moved forward again, and situated behind areas must propose areas is going forward. We must make thousands of countryside like Changkang, by tens sub-province like Hsinkno. This is our sturdy bases. After we occupy the bases, hence from that we can groan exit and destroying " siege and eradication" enemy, and topples imperialist paintbrush and KMT is country wide.
[ 1] located Changkang Countryside is sub-province [by] Hsinkuo, Province Kiangsi.
[ 2] located Tsaiki Countryside is sub-province [by] Shanghang, Province Fukien.
[ 3] At the adult sub-province Kunglueh, with district Tungku ( located is southeast [by] sub-province Kian) as center, be one of sub-province in Daerah Merah Province Kiangsi. In October 1931, Closed Friend Huang Kungluch, Third Red Army Commander, has is killed as warrior is place [by] the, hence for tell there is build sub-province Kunglueh.
[ 4] One li is semi km. (Interpreter)
[ 5] In July 1933, in Conference Military in mount Lushan, Province Kiangsi, Chiang Kai-shek has taken decision to build kubu2 is around [by] area Merah. This decision made new military tactics to implement " siege and eradication" which ke-5. According to angka2 statistic, till end of month of Januarys 1934, in Province Kiangsi has been build 2900 fruit of citadel'. Then in action fights against Tentera Ke-8 and Tentera Ke-4 new in Tiongkok, the Japan aggression also applies Chiang Kai-shek citadel politics. According to public? people war strategy from Kawan Mao Tse-tung, citadel politics which destroyable contra - revolutionary and defeated entirely. This has been proved in full view of once by events in history.
Marriage and Essentially
21 Marriage Understanding
2.1.1 According To Islamic Religion
2.1.2 According To Catholic Religion / Christian
Konsili Vatikan II in Gaudium Et Spes tells : " Marriage love specializeed from person which one to other person passed will; desire cordiality".
Marriage according to case book : 2 first story in holy book of agreement of stripper is " creation of World" and " Firdaus Story ". Both this stories discloses God plan with man. Story - this story uses having kinds - kinds of lambing and allusion language, difficult to understand without description. Genesis 2 : 18 - 25 proclaiming God plan, namely inter alia : " After man is created, God tell : not good if the man alone only. I will make benefactor for him(her, which good match for him(her". creator God recognizes in - depth with all its(the requirement, inter alia :
- Requirement to assist and assisted [by]
- Requirement to love and loved [by]
- Requirement to communicate with other person, which good match for his(its
Told that any animal sent to man so that called, mean : man in command to all animals. But power to all the animals also cannot fulfill man basic need. Then God gives woman to man, not for be mastered but so that loved as friend who commensurable.
Love that is requirement of man who main. Told that God forms woman from man rib. Which will be proclaimed with this phonetic symbol language is :
- Woman is special new creation, we can say woman taken away from near by man heart
- Incomplete man and not possibly peace, during woman is not in near by its(the heart
Sees the woman man ( man) cheers : " This is him(her, bone from my bone and fleshy from my flesh. He will be named woman because s(he taken away from man - man.
" Fleshy from my flesh" mean that direct woman is confessed individually which good match for man - man. Can be told :
- Who beats wife, ( that means she also) beats their/his self
- Who embraces wife, ( that means she also) makes happy their/his self
This thing also valids for wife to its(the husband.
Then writer KS concludes : Because that a man - man will leave father and its(the mother is and consists with its(the wife so that both becoming one fleshes. This means :
- God wants so that gives between husbands and wife exceeds love to their old fellow
- Marriage is tying gives is reciprocal concerning husband person - wife entirely
Not only " Flesh" is coalescing, but also mind, husband liver and wife. Husband and wife earns increasingly grows in coalescing to born mind.
By each other assisting; by each other giving and receives; by open each other; by each other paying attention; by each other forgiving in life one day - day.
In relationship that is in such a way hence coition becomes " Love Sign", namely the relation of their mind. In meaning of this is " Love" becomes " Core" marriage. Inferential that according to God plan : husband and wife is on an equal - commensurable. Love gives person to become association base of marriage life.
2.1.3 According To Religion Buddha
Marriage is mating between men - man and woman to be spouse. a man/woman is believing in Buddha can choose between lives is having family or not having family. If man/woman wish having family hence people can married with woman/man its(the choice. On the contrary if people choose not to have family, hence people can live in shrine as priest.
Before married required [by] ripe preparation. The side of man and woman ought to do is each other watcher to other party to know excess and lacking of together So if there is problem - problem emerging later the couple can overcome it.
Which must be paid attention by man to woman besides appearance, age and descendant is:
1. Confidence at religion
2. Ethic/moral
3. Education
4. Skilled of woman
5. Emotional maturity
6. Wisdom
For man which must be paid attention is:
1. Confidence at religion
2. Ethic/moral
3. Education
4. Work
5. Responsibility
6. Wisdom
Confidence at religion : Be better if wife husband has the same confidence, mean same - same believed in Buddha. After both believing in Buddha hence as proper his(its both comprehending and executes teaching of the Buddha in life one day - day and happy life.
Ethic/moral : Ethic/moral must become main attention, because without good morale of the man car supposing without brake ( uncontrollably ). Ethic/moral cannot be formed in one or two day, but is cumulative development of itself man. Morale would easily destroy because greed, dislike, and stupidity, however present era of a lot praises them rich, he/she said " Greedy is Good"
Education : This time is better if formal education is made inner measure to look for life couple, caused by education difference which too far will influence harmonious of itself wife husband.
Skilled of woman ( woman) : a woman must be clever manages household before entering marriage ladder. For example; woman should be able to manage house, ripe, shopping to market, arranges money, including becoming good mother.
Emotional maturity ( woman) : This thing shows level of adulthood a woman. a immature woman will claim excessive attention from its(the husband, spoiled, thin-skinned, headstrong, egoist, etc. a matured woman of its(the emotion would more patient, work more hard in facing emerging household problem.
Work ( man) : Work is a real part necessary for man - man. a woman will not will married with man who don’t have a job. Of course era now quite a few working woman, but natural of man is earn life for its the family.
Responsibility ( man) : This thing is personality of someone men. Responsibility is thing needed to takes care of harmonious of household, especially man responsibility - man as a family head.
Wisdom : Really business - be really to had wisdom in life this is very profits life hereinafter in this and in the future. By having wisdom hence all decisions taken not because of like/not to like, not because of following - join with others, but because good to all party(sides in now and also a period of which will come.
Why should dating of vital importance as gestation period. Why should usable dating as orientation week or a period of character hawker together couple. Every man has different personality pattern, and personality is not guaranteed of the someone fits in with personality of someone who selected it as life couple, therefore a period of dating of vital importance.
2.1.4 According To Hinduism
Before bearing it Law No. 1 The year 1974, all marriages done by public believing in Hindu, based to customary law applied in an custom public area. And partly again are based to Hinduism law. With reference to itself religion law problem has not many recognized by public.
For Hindu public, the problem of marriage has special meaning and position in their life world. Marriage term as there is in various arts and Hindu law book ( Smriti), recognized by the name of wiwaha. Regulations arranging the marriage manager is regulations becoming source of guidance in continuing construction of Hinduism law in marriage area.
Based on book Manusmriti, marriage haves the character of religion and obligator because related to obligation of someone to have descendant and redeem old fellow sins by reducing a " son" is meaning " s(he saving its(the old fellow late from hell Put".
Even is affirmed farther in Adhyaya IX25 that with the marriage institute meant to arrange coitus that is competent, that is a biological relationship required in life of someone as wife husband.
Ceremony wiwaha ( marriage) be a samskara ( sacrament) what causes position of institute as institute that is is not separated from religion law. And its(the conditions is also must be fulfilled according to rule of law Agama ( dharma). From tens of type samskara so-called in so many holy book of Hinduism, wiwaha samskara is form of samskara put down between sequence name of samskara.
In consequence it can be interpreted that wiwaha samskara is obliged to punish it. Side samskara character as a law, hence wiwaha samskara is ceremony ritual ( agamas) and formal to be able to be confirmed according to religion teaching.
Wiwaha as samskara is a ritual is giving position of validity is not his(its a marriage according to Hindu law. According to teaching Manusmriti, a marriage that is not is sacral assumed not to have legal consequences to the marriage. As for about his own ritual, its(the laxative agent is also must according. If(when that thing doesn't pursuant to can generate its(the cancellation marriage.
In consequence of existence of rule Section 2 ( 1) Law No. 1/1974 where it is affirmed that a marriage is validity if done according to law each its(the religion and the trust, hence its(the validity marriage of Hindu must according to Hinduism.
In Hindu public there are some ways which can be done for marriage. That is way of mepadik ( proposes marriage to or asks), ngerorod or rangkat which also in mentioning way of selarian ( all run based on love), nyentana ( that is the man who " taken" by the woman and lives in house the woman), nyeburin ( that is the woman).
comes x'self to house the man, without requesting permit its(the old fellow), ngunggahin ( this one of form of separate development from way of nyeburin), melegandang ( makes off with woman forcibly). Both this last forms unable to get appreciation so that seldom be met in practice. Even way of melegandang is acting is criminal and can be menaced crime because a form of marriage done by force without approval of its(the wife candidate and also old fellow. This form of the same to rape, because cannot be ratified in marriage.
22 Marriage Reality
* Islam Opinion? Sight
To show marriage meaning. Alquran uses term " Mitsagon gholidon" is meaning " Unshakeable agreement". This first term - tama refers to agreement between God and the prophets or the its(the rasul in letter Al Ahzab sentence 7, which says : " And ( remembers) when we take agreement from prophet - prophet and out of you ( x'self), from Nuh, Ibrahim, Mozes and Jesus son of Maryam, and we have taken away from unshakeable agreement them". As well as [is] on letter Al Baqarah sentence 83 which says : And ( remembers), when we take promise from Bani Israel ( that is) : You doesn't curtsey besides God… then you doesn't fulfill promise that, except partly small from your, and you looking away. But in letter An Nisaa sentence 21, the term simply refers to agreement to marry : " And they ( wife - your wife) has taken away from unshakeable agreement you".
Based on term " Mitsagon Gholidon", indirectly this thing shows chastity relation between husband and wife, looks like chastity relation between God and man who selected it. In consequence it is not a wonder that marriage seen as duty from God and childs of also seen as one of presentation of from thank God for husband - wife.
Alqur'an also sees marriage as reciprocal agreement, what generates rights - rights and obligations - obligation at husband and wife. According to letter An Nisaa sentence 34 which says : " The man - man is leader for womankind, because of God has exaggerated some of they ( man - man) for some other ( woman) and because they ( man - man) maintenance has some of their possession. Because that the pious woman is obeying to God and looks after x'self at the opposite of latter of its(the husband.
Prophet Muhammad underlines connubial Alqur'an opinion? sight like called as to be above. Ath Thabrani notes that prophet Muhammad calls marriage as " semi observance". Marriage is not an earthly case as of eye - eye, but a reality that is also concerning God. In consequence, like noted by Ahmad, he(she also prays at celebration to marry a Moslem, requests that God to have the pleasure to bless and unites both of them.
Prophet Muhammad suggests believer for having family. According to note of Moslem, he(she disagree if(when celibate Islam believer. They trying to celibate, he(she is conceived " non our believer". To strengthen the fomentation, he(she shows how prophet - big prophet also married and have children.
Besides religion meaning, prophet Muhammad also affirms social meaning from marriage. According to note of Ahmad, he(she refuses nuptials to hide - hides and commands that people - people Moslem married openly before less - lack of 2 man eyewitness and announces it at multitude audience. According to prophet Muhammad, marriage hides - hides considered to be [by] relationship that is illegal and haves the bad character.
As according to teaching Alqur'an, prophet Muhammad asserts that husband must become good leader and family head is holding responsible, for example is in control of maintenance for wife and chlid - its(the child. This thing noted by Moslem, David Ash, and Ibnu Hibban. Meanwhile judge writes prophet command Muhammad to the wives that they are obedient and pious life at husband, in such a way that their happy husband and full of mercy.
* Catholic Opinion? Sight
In old testament at chapter case I, that it is depicted that likely - process man and woman firstly created by God with word as of eye - eye. Both then is blessed it and given job to bear grandchild and looks after world. The picture lays open about its(the writer opinion? sight about marriage prestige. agreement book of Chapter 2 serves other picture. Woman firstly is told likely - process made of first man rib. Then, God presents the woman becomes commensurable benefactor, even becomes wife for the man. Happily; gladly man firstly receives God present, its(the creator, then consisted with its(the wife. Tightly association between first husbands and wife of that is described with beautiful expression : " Both becoming 1 flesh. They is both naked, man and the wife, but they don't feel small".
23 Purpose Of Marriage
24 Character - marriage character
25 Conjugal right
Chapter III
Problem Of Marriage
31 Polygamous and polyandry
32 Divorce
Lately a lot of case - divorce case in our Negara, a lot of artist - artist as well as marrying public public divorces. Actually divorce is disconnection of tying marries judicially ( validity ), be deviation from intention of God ( a hateful thing of God ), is not contributed Bible except in certain condition boundaries. Divorce is as result of sin of from one or the husband/wife spouse both parties.
As for the cause of divorce of inter alia wife husband, as follows :
- Failure in managing household
- Dating with the other ( The relation of dark )
- Action bad from husband
- Incompatible taste one another
- Marriage of young age
- Inexistence of descendant of in a marriage
- Economic
Failure in managing household is one of divorce cause, The thing is caused [by] the husband/wife spouse has workload x'self causing had no time for family and children.
Dating with the other or existence of third party is divorce cause which many happened. The couples dissatisfy to its the couple and tries looks for others by stealth - hides.
There is also deed bad from the husband which frequently maltreats the wife by the way of beating, tortures, etc. In-un same in a family also can cause divorce, The thing possibly is caused lack of orientation week between couple before married.
Marriage of young age many happened in our Negara. But usually the nuptials don't go along way, because between individual still wish to enjoy its the freedom.
Existence of not of descendant can also causes divorce, Caused by child of considered to be [by] family router. Though there are not of descendant of depended from God.
Economic problem also is divorce cause. In life in present era of man cannot quit of economics problem. Money required in constructing a household, like: for life one day - day, for expense of schoolchild, cost - other cost (electrics, telephone, etc)
Of course for husband/wife spouse which divorced not to generate a big problem. Man who divorced to become widower, and woman becomes widow, But for children which they depart from hardly suffers. They [shall] no longer get affection from both its(the old fellows. So in divorce, becoming victim is children
33 Dating with the other
34 Intermarry
In Indonesia, intermarry term can mean :
- Marriage between 2 man which in Indonesia subjugated to hokum which is different, because civic difference and one of the parties is having civic Indonesia ( marriage Law of 1974 section 57)
- Marriage between 2 Christian(s) and non Christian, bdk. marriage Law of 1974 section 66 mentioning Ordinance Perkawinan Indonesia Kristen ( Huwelijksordonantie Christen Indonesia’s S1933 no 74, Regulation of Marriage of Mixture), bdk. Regeling op de gemengde huwelijken S. 1898 no 158
- Marriage between people baptized to be catholic and baptized [by] catholic xenon Christian
2.1.1 According To Islamic Religion
2.1.2 According To Catholic Religion / Christian
Konsili Vatikan II in Gaudium Et Spes tells : " Marriage love specializeed from person which one to other person passed will; desire cordiality".
Marriage according to case book : 2 first story in holy book of agreement of stripper is " creation of World" and " Firdaus Story ". Both this stories discloses God plan with man. Story - this story uses having kinds - kinds of lambing and allusion language, difficult to understand without description. Genesis 2 : 18 - 25 proclaiming God plan, namely inter alia : " After man is created, God tell : not good if the man alone only. I will make benefactor for him(her, which good match for him(her". creator God recognizes in - depth with all its(the requirement, inter alia :
- Requirement to assist and assisted [by]
- Requirement to love and loved [by]
- Requirement to communicate with other person, which good match for his(its
Told that any animal sent to man so that called, mean : man in command to all animals. But power to all the animals also cannot fulfill man basic need. Then God gives woman to man, not for be mastered but so that loved as friend who commensurable.
Love that is requirement of man who main. Told that God forms woman from man rib. Which will be proclaimed with this phonetic symbol language is :
- Woman is special new creation, we can say woman taken away from near by man heart
- Incomplete man and not possibly peace, during woman is not in near by its(the heart
Sees the woman man ( man) cheers : " This is him(her, bone from my bone and fleshy from my flesh. He will be named woman because s(he taken away from man - man.
" Fleshy from my flesh" mean that direct woman is confessed individually which good match for man - man. Can be told :
- Who beats wife, ( that means she also) beats their/his self
- Who embraces wife, ( that means she also) makes happy their/his self
This thing also valids for wife to its(the husband.
Then writer KS concludes : Because that a man - man will leave father and its(the mother is and consists with its(the wife so that both becoming one fleshes. This means :
- God wants so that gives between husbands and wife exceeds love to their old fellow
- Marriage is tying gives is reciprocal concerning husband person - wife entirely
Not only " Flesh" is coalescing, but also mind, husband liver and wife. Husband and wife earns increasingly grows in coalescing to born mind.
By each other assisting; by each other giving and receives; by open each other; by each other paying attention; by each other forgiving in life one day - day.
In relationship that is in such a way hence coition becomes " Love Sign", namely the relation of their mind. In meaning of this is " Love" becomes " Core" marriage. Inferential that according to God plan : husband and wife is on an equal - commensurable. Love gives person to become association base of marriage life.
2.1.3 According To Religion Buddha
Marriage is mating between men - man and woman to be spouse. a man/woman is believing in Buddha can choose between lives is having family or not having family. If man/woman wish having family hence people can married with woman/man its(the choice. On the contrary if people choose not to have family, hence people can live in shrine as priest.
Before married required [by] ripe preparation. The side of man and woman ought to do is each other watcher to other party to know excess and lacking of together So if there is problem - problem emerging later the couple can overcome it.
Which must be paid attention by man to woman besides appearance, age and descendant is:
1. Confidence at religion
2. Ethic/moral
3. Education
4. Skilled of woman
5. Emotional maturity
6. Wisdom
For man which must be paid attention is:
1. Confidence at religion
2. Ethic/moral
3. Education
4. Work
5. Responsibility
6. Wisdom
Confidence at religion : Be better if wife husband has the same confidence, mean same - same believed in Buddha. After both believing in Buddha hence as proper his(its both comprehending and executes teaching of the Buddha in life one day - day and happy life.
Ethic/moral : Ethic/moral must become main attention, because without good morale of the man car supposing without brake ( uncontrollably ). Ethic/moral cannot be formed in one or two day, but is cumulative development of itself man. Morale would easily destroy because greed, dislike, and stupidity, however present era of a lot praises them rich, he/she said " Greedy is Good"
Education : This time is better if formal education is made inner measure to look for life couple, caused by education difference which too far will influence harmonious of itself wife husband.
Skilled of woman ( woman) : a woman must be clever manages household before entering marriage ladder. For example; woman should be able to manage house, ripe, shopping to market, arranges money, including becoming good mother.
Emotional maturity ( woman) : This thing shows level of adulthood a woman. a immature woman will claim excessive attention from its(the husband, spoiled, thin-skinned, headstrong, egoist, etc. a matured woman of its(the emotion would more patient, work more hard in facing emerging household problem.
Work ( man) : Work is a real part necessary for man - man. a woman will not will married with man who don’t have a job. Of course era now quite a few working woman, but natural of man is earn life for its the family.
Responsibility ( man) : This thing is personality of someone men. Responsibility is thing needed to takes care of harmonious of household, especially man responsibility - man as a family head.
Wisdom : Really business - be really to had wisdom in life this is very profits life hereinafter in this and in the future. By having wisdom hence all decisions taken not because of like/not to like, not because of following - join with others, but because good to all party(sides in now and also a period of which will come.
Why should dating of vital importance as gestation period. Why should usable dating as orientation week or a period of character hawker together couple. Every man has different personality pattern, and personality is not guaranteed of the someone fits in with personality of someone who selected it as life couple, therefore a period of dating of vital importance.
2.1.4 According To Hinduism
Before bearing it Law No. 1 The year 1974, all marriages done by public believing in Hindu, based to customary law applied in an custom public area. And partly again are based to Hinduism law. With reference to itself religion law problem has not many recognized by public.
For Hindu public, the problem of marriage has special meaning and position in their life world. Marriage term as there is in various arts and Hindu law book ( Smriti), recognized by the name of wiwaha. Regulations arranging the marriage manager is regulations becoming source of guidance in continuing construction of Hinduism law in marriage area.
Based on book Manusmriti, marriage haves the character of religion and obligator because related to obligation of someone to have descendant and redeem old fellow sins by reducing a " son" is meaning " s(he saving its(the old fellow late from hell Put".
Even is affirmed farther in Adhyaya IX25 that with the marriage institute meant to arrange coitus that is competent, that is a biological relationship required in life of someone as wife husband.
Ceremony wiwaha ( marriage) be a samskara ( sacrament) what causes position of institute as institute that is is not separated from religion law. And its(the conditions is also must be fulfilled according to rule of law Agama ( dharma). From tens of type samskara so-called in so many holy book of Hinduism, wiwaha samskara is form of samskara put down between sequence name of samskara.
In consequence it can be interpreted that wiwaha samskara is obliged to punish it. Side samskara character as a law, hence wiwaha samskara is ceremony ritual ( agamas) and formal to be able to be confirmed according to religion teaching.
Wiwaha as samskara is a ritual is giving position of validity is not his(its a marriage according to Hindu law. According to teaching Manusmriti, a marriage that is not is sacral assumed not to have legal consequences to the marriage. As for about his own ritual, its(the laxative agent is also must according. If(when that thing doesn't pursuant to can generate its(the cancellation marriage.
In consequence of existence of rule Section 2 ( 1) Law No. 1/1974 where it is affirmed that a marriage is validity if done according to law each its(the religion and the trust, hence its(the validity marriage of Hindu must according to Hinduism.
In Hindu public there are some ways which can be done for marriage. That is way of mepadik ( proposes marriage to or asks), ngerorod or rangkat which also in mentioning way of selarian ( all run based on love), nyentana ( that is the man who " taken" by the woman and lives in house the woman), nyeburin ( that is the woman).
comes x'self to house the man, without requesting permit its(the old fellow), ngunggahin ( this one of form of separate development from way of nyeburin), melegandang ( makes off with woman forcibly). Both this last forms unable to get appreciation so that seldom be met in practice. Even way of melegandang is acting is criminal and can be menaced crime because a form of marriage done by force without approval of its(the wife candidate and also old fellow. This form of the same to rape, because cannot be ratified in marriage.
22 Marriage Reality
* Islam Opinion? Sight
To show marriage meaning. Alquran uses term " Mitsagon gholidon" is meaning " Unshakeable agreement". This first term - tama refers to agreement between God and the prophets or the its(the rasul in letter Al Ahzab sentence 7, which says : " And ( remembers) when we take agreement from prophet - prophet and out of you ( x'self), from Nuh, Ibrahim, Mozes and Jesus son of Maryam, and we have taken away from unshakeable agreement them". As well as [is] on letter Al Baqarah sentence 83 which says : And ( remembers), when we take promise from Bani Israel ( that is) : You doesn't curtsey besides God… then you doesn't fulfill promise that, except partly small from your, and you looking away. But in letter An Nisaa sentence 21, the term simply refers to agreement to marry : " And they ( wife - your wife) has taken away from unshakeable agreement you".
Based on term " Mitsagon Gholidon", indirectly this thing shows chastity relation between husband and wife, looks like chastity relation between God and man who selected it. In consequence it is not a wonder that marriage seen as duty from God and childs of also seen as one of presentation of from thank God for husband - wife.
Alqur'an also sees marriage as reciprocal agreement, what generates rights - rights and obligations - obligation at husband and wife. According to letter An Nisaa sentence 34 which says : " The man - man is leader for womankind, because of God has exaggerated some of they ( man - man) for some other ( woman) and because they ( man - man) maintenance has some of their possession. Because that the pious woman is obeying to God and looks after x'self at the opposite of latter of its(the husband.
Prophet Muhammad underlines connubial Alqur'an opinion? sight like called as to be above. Ath Thabrani notes that prophet Muhammad calls marriage as " semi observance". Marriage is not an earthly case as of eye - eye, but a reality that is also concerning God. In consequence, like noted by Ahmad, he(she also prays at celebration to marry a Moslem, requests that God to have the pleasure to bless and unites both of them.
Prophet Muhammad suggests believer for having family. According to note of Moslem, he(she disagree if(when celibate Islam believer. They trying to celibate, he(she is conceived " non our believer". To strengthen the fomentation, he(she shows how prophet - big prophet also married and have children.
Besides religion meaning, prophet Muhammad also affirms social meaning from marriage. According to note of Ahmad, he(she refuses nuptials to hide - hides and commands that people - people Moslem married openly before less - lack of 2 man eyewitness and announces it at multitude audience. According to prophet Muhammad, marriage hides - hides considered to be [by] relationship that is illegal and haves the bad character.
As according to teaching Alqur'an, prophet Muhammad asserts that husband must become good leader and family head is holding responsible, for example is in control of maintenance for wife and chlid - its(the child. This thing noted by Moslem, David Ash, and Ibnu Hibban. Meanwhile judge writes prophet command Muhammad to the wives that they are obedient and pious life at husband, in such a way that their happy husband and full of mercy.
* Catholic Opinion? Sight
In old testament at chapter case I, that it is depicted that likely - process man and woman firstly created by God with word as of eye - eye. Both then is blessed it and given job to bear grandchild and looks after world. The picture lays open about its(the writer opinion? sight about marriage prestige. agreement book of Chapter 2 serves other picture. Woman firstly is told likely - process made of first man rib. Then, God presents the woman becomes commensurable benefactor, even becomes wife for the man. Happily; gladly man firstly receives God present, its(the creator, then consisted with its(the wife. Tightly association between first husbands and wife of that is described with beautiful expression : " Both becoming 1 flesh. They is both naked, man and the wife, but they don't feel small".
23 Purpose Of Marriage
24 Character - marriage character
25 Conjugal right
Chapter III
Problem Of Marriage
31 Polygamous and polyandry
32 Divorce
Lately a lot of case - divorce case in our Negara, a lot of artist - artist as well as marrying public public divorces. Actually divorce is disconnection of tying marries judicially ( validity ), be deviation from intention of God ( a hateful thing of God ), is not contributed Bible except in certain condition boundaries. Divorce is as result of sin of from one or the husband/wife spouse both parties.
As for the cause of divorce of inter alia wife husband, as follows :
- Failure in managing household
- Dating with the other ( The relation of dark )
- Action bad from husband
- Incompatible taste one another
- Marriage of young age
- Inexistence of descendant of in a marriage
- Economic
Failure in managing household is one of divorce cause, The thing is caused [by] the husband/wife spouse has workload x'self causing had no time for family and children.
Dating with the other or existence of third party is divorce cause which many happened. The couples dissatisfy to its the couple and tries looks for others by stealth - hides.
There is also deed bad from the husband which frequently maltreats the wife by the way of beating, tortures, etc. In-un same in a family also can cause divorce, The thing possibly is caused lack of orientation week between couple before married.
Marriage of young age many happened in our Negara. But usually the nuptials don't go along way, because between individual still wish to enjoy its the freedom.
Existence of not of descendant can also causes divorce, Caused by child of considered to be [by] family router. Though there are not of descendant of depended from God.
Economic problem also is divorce cause. In life in present era of man cannot quit of economics problem. Money required in constructing a household, like: for life one day - day, for expense of schoolchild, cost - other cost (electrics, telephone, etc)
Of course for husband/wife spouse which divorced not to generate a big problem. Man who divorced to become widower, and woman becomes widow, But for children which they depart from hardly suffers. They [shall] no longer get affection from both its(the old fellows. So in divorce, becoming victim is children
33 Dating with the other
34 Intermarry
In Indonesia, intermarry term can mean :
- Marriage between 2 man which in Indonesia subjugated to hokum which is different, because civic difference and one of the parties is having civic Indonesia ( marriage Law of 1974 section 57)
- Marriage between 2 Christian(s) and non Christian, bdk. marriage Law of 1974 section 66 mentioning Ordinance Perkawinan Indonesia Kristen ( Huwelijksordonantie Christen Indonesia’s S1933 no 74, Regulation of Marriage of Mixture), bdk. Regeling op de gemengde huwelijken S. 1898 no 158
- Marriage between people baptized to be catholic and baptized [by] catholic xenon Christian
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