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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Study of Indonesia Language for Foreign: Issue and Reality

This handing out center idea will be fundamental with reference to teaching of Indonesian for foreign tell ( BIPA) which its(the sajian will include;cover basis teoretis foreign language teaching, various teaching phenomenons BIPA, and exploiting of technological media especially internet for Lesson BIPA. friction of Linguistic teaching towards which interactive peeps out study entangling other variable like input characteristic and environmental factor that need to be studied in selection and service of teaching and learning material. This principles will be seen from side relevansi and its(the fisibility for teaching BIPA, including exploiting access to region place-siber for acceleration of acquirement of BIPA itself.

Foreign language Teaching

Discussion regarding of teaching of language cannot be discharged from language study context. Both tightly barbed and entangles various variables that is the numbers many. Its(the core is that learning process teachs the non language thing that is simple and cannot be observed simply as activity cuttings releases and bails material only.

Foreign language teaching, including BIPA, as professional activity has borne various frameworks theory entangling various disciplines. Between the year 1940 - 1960 seen once existence of sturdy opinion?sight that applying of linguistics and psychology will become best base to solve problem language teaching.

Hereinafter, born various models who is seeing factors influential in egg pedagogi language, like model from Campbell, Spolsky, Ingram, and Mackey ( read Stern, 1983).

Linguistic study often only focus attention at just linguistics mannerism neglectfully its the non-linguistic mannerism. In this context Bloomfield ( 1933:499) express that

Whoever is accustomed to distinguish linguistic between of and non-linguistic behavior, will agree with the criticism that our schools deal too much with the former, drilling the child indium speech response phases of arithmetic, geography, or history, and neglecting to train him indium behavior toward his actual environment.

Formal teaching system in school in study context of language only to be just one from so much related variable. Other variable properly is seen is for example exposure variable ( exposure), age the study, and level of acculturation ( Krashen, 1982:330).

In so many research reported by Krashen ( 1982:37-43), the exposure sometimes positive correlation and means with deftness is having language, but sometimes nor. In the case of age variable that is often assumed as an deftness estimator B2, Krashen, Long and Scarcella cited by Krashen ( 1982:43) take center generalizing following based on result of its(the research: ( 1) Adult runs rings round from at children in going beyond step early development of its(the B2; ( 2) with time and the same exposure, older chlid passed quicker language acquisition process from at child which more young; and ( 3) have starting natural exposure to B2 during children in general reaches deftness of better B2 from at starting his(its natural exposure as a adult.

Level of acculturation the study to group of target language will control level of its(the language acquisition. According To Schumann elaborated by Larsen-Free man ( in Bailey, Long & Peck ( editor), 1983), the acculturation covers two group of factor: social variable and affective variable.

A few differing from Krashen, Titone ( in Alatis, Altman, and Alatis ( editor), 1981:74—75) anticipates that motivation, language talent, and number of time used in learning language is three factors that is most uppermost giving characteristic at study B2.

The above is true, teaching context of BIPA reach would to related matters like availability of study area support from which will give composition which will be studied, teacher with deftness of adequate Indonesian, student with all its(the characteristics, and teaching method which its(the effectiveness would hardly base on all factors mentioned former. Altogether interaction will in making activity of teaching and learning BIPA to become really worked/successfully.

Teaching Phenomenon BIPA

There is various problems related to bargain BIPA in various states. In Australian, like the one is said [by] Sarumpaet ( 1988), typical resistance to development of BIPA is " lack of vacancy or [position/occupation] for those with deftness in BI." In Korea, according to Young-Rhim ( 1988), " other resistance which we felt only about Lesson matter." In United States, problem quality of Lesson still must be strived its(the resolving, as phrased by Sumarmo ( 1988). In Germany, because enthusiasm studies language and culture of increasing Indonesia, effort need to be done " through improvement of writing and bookmaking about Indonesia either in foreign language and also in Indonesian" ( Soedijarto, 1988). In teacher Japan BIPA " requires complete dictionary, especially dictionary which complete with example of usage of quite a lot word" ( Shigeru, 1988).

In answering to requirement would availability of linguistic input in teaching context of this BIPA, need to be observed various factors: For example, there are some input characteristic that the input can be obtained quickly in language acquisition context. Literate of the input for example determined with characteristic: understanding/understand, liking and/or relevance, random gramatic, and adequate amount ( Krashen, 1982:62-73).

Characteristic understanding can be observed from development of acquirement of B2 or language is not familiar through? via material which cannot be comprehended. Characteristic like and/or relevance is expected can push the having to focus attention at contents of compared to at form. Relevant and interesting input is expected can create condition at the having in such a manner so that s(he " forgets" that what medium of reception of produced in second language or strangers(foreigners. In situation of learning teachs in this characteristic class difficult to be fulfilled, because binding of time and compulsion covers material which ammy has in syllabus. In the case of characteristic random gramatis, to center that where the input comprehended and meant negotiation success, input language by Krashen as i+1 would automatically present.

In discussing teaching and language study, area, in understanding " everything the language learner hears and as ices indium the new language," ( Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, 1982:13), be thing of vital importance in relation to success of study of the language. Macro environmental factor covers ( 1) natural of language heard; ( 2) role the study in communications; ( 3) availibility of concreete reference to explain meaning; and ( 4) who is target language model ( Dulay, Burt and Krashen, 1982:14). While micro environmental factor include;covers ( 1) uppermost ( salience), that is his(its easy to a structure for look or heard; ( 2) feedback, that is hearer comments or reader to speech or article the studier; and ( 3) frequency, that is frequently the studier hears or sees certain structure ( Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, 1982:32).

With reference to micro environmental factor, first is uppermost ( salience). This uppermost refers to amenity a structure seen or heard. He is distinguishing is certain which seems to make an item visually or auditor is more uppermostly from at other. Second micro environmental factor is feedback. One of feedback type is correction, the other is approval or positive feed back.

Micro environmental factor that is third is frequency assumed as factor influential to language acquisition. More and more many the studier hears a structure, more and more quickly acquirement process of the structure. But other research simply result egg has different ( Dulay, Burt, Krashen, 1982:32—37).

Input marking in teaching of this BIPA is including itself input in the form of teaching and learning material has made available is quite a lot if teacher BIPA come will to and from through?via various the medias. One of among media which will assist expansion of teaching material and contribution will at improvement effort is having language that is technology media, especially internet.

Exploiting of Technological Media

These days, an education institute without equipped [by] internet network will lose his own dynamics. In smaller its extent, seems to have started it is be prepared that an academician without plopping down to internet ocean, will create blankness cavity which many in the field of his(its each. Internet network for a scientist can function as a real information warehouse its(the reportage wide. In the relation with education expansion, internet can function either as source of material and also as understanding framework ordered and skeletal thought for educative education and also participant itself.

Access internet to become easier these days of course with a note of the access has domination of foreign language would. Access feeder becomes is more always. In town Bandung only, there are some internet access feeder choices, like netura, sidola, melsa, pos-giro, and ibm. One of among the application of internet standard is the more knowledgeable world wide web with abbreviation www. This network is database distribution which in it contains information with various reportage areas. Even journals also having mother the numbers can be accessed through this network.

In everyday mention of we hear the word e-mail, which is abbreviation of electronic mail. This term Indonesianizeed to become electronic mail, possibly good if I mentioned just of ratnik. Now address ratnik owned by someone has become sophisticated marker of people.

By using this ratnik, one can receives and replies or sends handing out directly without having to go to post of fice. a student earned in direct corollation to unlimited by space distance and also difference of time to its(the lecturer or counsellor. this very efficient and effective Ratnik. During brief, if(when consignee opens its(the internet, letter we have up to complete. Expense of its(the delivery becomes very cheap. a long letter will change over to provider from man computer which will receive the letter only in just a few seconds, although people resides in back of this hemisphere. Expense of our delivery are very cheap because will only be equivalent with usage of local phonecall a few seconds only, nonchalant to part of world such we send the letter. Even by using application like telnet we can communicate in writing with man who is having access to internet anywhere in this world.

By exploiting various the applications in internet network, various education efforts earns more improved. Education program bargain, library usage, access to encyclopedia, exploration of publication, and scientific journal scanning is easy go thing through the internet that.

Even Indonesian teacher for foreign tell using can various sources about Indonesia and area through newspaper or magazine which can be accessed freely is various homepage, like magazine Tempo, newspaper Republics and Kompas. Obtainable other material passed access to various institutes which has peeped out information and its(the product in internet network.

All source of information which can be accessed that gives opportunity for creative teacher to create new way in presenting Lesson material. From there also can be done election effort of main material and also complement material for school activity. Even by the way of separate, teachers can take certain material with printing it as component of which can be modified activity usage of its(the teaching and learning.

APBIPA which for a while there is at or tries inter alia is entering various situs BIPA which soon earns reached by the member of his(its. There is material substansial which able to be accessed either by teacher and also by studier BIPA through the internet. For example, SEASITE which can be accessed through?via to provide practice interactive, reading text with dictionary facility and question of double helix. There is also part of conversation for understanding of mimicry and the relation of to source of news and Indonesia culture art. Teacher and studier BIPA earns also obtains teaching of structure and pronunciation with traditional format there is in hal Learn Indonesian indium Seven Days in: developed based on sebuak booklet so that has not included interactivity but enough good for refreshing knowledge.

For learning BIPA which lacking of idea, can obtain help from teaching planning structure to create duty interactive in surfing the news! in

AFMLTA/RESGIDEOHTM, an image of class collaborative duration 5 week developed based on study to on-line Indonesia newspapers as component of idea which can be applied for expansion of class. In it is also 10 Lesson plans based on study to volcano in Indonesia.

To complement activity material of teaching and learning BIPA we can access various material and information through?via windows Indonesia in and Academic Internet Resources Indonesia on, The University of Auckland in


Study of BIPA requires multifarious effort, as does study of other foreign language. Various variables partakes involving in striving makes study of success BIPA carefully. If(when we will choose key variable from so much the variable, choice will fall at teacher variable. Teacher BIPA good will become model for its(the pupils. Good teacher will cope exploits all the facilities and opportunity in making activity of its(the teaching and learning is successfully usage. Including in striving this is willingness of teacher BIPA to exploit various Indonesian inputs from various technology medias, especially internet. With that, lacking of material and Indonesian model will be overcome.

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